Yarra City Council’s Small Project Grants in Australia
Yarra City Council’s Small Project Grants in Australia
Program ObjectivesEach project/activity funded as part of the SPG Program is expected to address one or more of Council’s strategic objectives as stated in the current Council Plan. These are:
Objective 1: Climate and environment
Objective 2: Social equity and health
Objective 3: Local economy
Objective 4: Place and nature
Objective 5: Transport and movement
Objective 6: Democracy and governance
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible Applicants
Applicants must have an active ABN*.
Not-for-profit community groups that meet all other eligibility criteria but do not have an ABN can have their applications auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation or Neighbourhood House.
Applicants must be a not-for-profit, incorporated community group (that is a group with a voluntary membership who come together to pursue a common goal) OR meet one of the following specific exceptions:
Be a registered charity, public benevolent institution or have DGR status;
Be a state government entity seeking funding for activities beyond those considered the responsibility of State or Federal Government;
Unincorporated not-for-profit community groups can have their applications auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation or Neighbourhood House;
Individual artists or Arts-related businesses operating under an active sole-trader ABN* can apply as individuals under the Arts and Cultural Projects Category;
Arts-related businesses with active ABNs* registered as other than sole-trader entities can apply under the Arts and Cultural Projects Category. These applications are contingent on successfully demonstrating that the project being funded will run on a not-for-profit basis. This will require detailed financial reporting.
• Applicants can only receive one SPG per financial year and the maximum grant is $1,000.
• Applicants must have acquitted previous Council grants and have no outstanding debts to Yarra City Council.
• Applicants must have public liability insurance with a suitable level of coverage, working with children checks, WorkCover and superannuation coverage are required to be held by recipients of funding.
• Relevant applicants must, as required by law, implement and adhere to the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
*The applicant names must match the entity (legal) name for the ABN, or a registered business name associated with the ABN and the name on the bank account provided for payment. The ABN Entity name can be checked when entering your ABN into the application form.
Eligible Projects
• Council will support a maximum of three exhibitions per grant round at any one art gallery.
• All applicants must be locally based and/or be applying for a program, service or activity that is of benefit to the Yarra community.
• Projects must have a public outcome within the City of Yarra boundaries.
• Projects and programs will only be eligible for both SPG and Annual Grants if applications are for distinct activities or stages of development.
• Sport and Recreation groups can apply for the purchase of specialised equipment including defibrillators.
• Applications to the Community category addressing priorities of the Access and Inclusion Strategy may include funding for specialised equipment or materials that facilitate new and innovative accessibility programs.
Renovation works or the upgrading of permanent fixtures remain ineligible.
• All questions marked ‘response required’ must be completed for the application to be eligible.
Applicants that are not eligible
• Neighbourhood Houses are funded through Council’s Neighbourhood House Funding Program and are therefore not eligible for SPGs. However, Neighbourhood Houses can act as an auspice for other community groups.
• Businesses or for-profit organisations, unless exempted above.
• Individuals, unless exempted above.
• Previous grant recipients with overdue acquittals.
• Applicants who have already received an SPG in the current round.
Projects that are not eligible
• A program that is considered the responsibility of State or Federal Government e.g., core school curriculum activities.
• Activities that take place outside the City of Yarra (including touring costs),
unless part of a larger project with a proven and public benefit to the Yarra community.
• A new building, capital works or facility maintenance works.
• Ongoing staff salaries or administration costs not specific to the project.
• The purchase of equipment only, unless exempted above.
• Projects with the singular purpose of promoting religion or that may be perceived as for the purpose of proselytizing.
• Training, study or academic research in Australia or overseas.
• A project that will be offered for assessment in the above training courses.
• Applications that are solely for attending forums, workshops and conferences.
• Competitions (excluding one-off sporting events).
• Prizes and award exhibitions or exclusively fundraising events.
• Applications to fund projects retrospectively.
Assessment Criteria
All applications will be assessed on the following criteria:
• Does the project have clearly defined aims?
• Does the project clearly meet the program objectives?
• Does the local community benefit from this project?
• Does the organisation have the capacity to successfully complete the project?
• Is the budget for this project realistic, balanced, and complete?
• Arts and Cultural Projects – Does the project have high artistic merit?
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Yarra City Council’s Small Project Grants in Australia
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