Yale Drama Series Playwriting Competition for Emerging Playwrights in Africa

Yale Drama Series Playwriting Competition for Emerging Playwrights in Africa


  • This contest is restricted to plays written in the English language. Worldwide submissions are accepted.

  • Submissions must be original, unpublished full-length plays, with a minimum of 65 pages. Plays with less than 65 pages will not be considered.

  • Translations, adaptations, musicals, and children’s plays are not accepted.

  • The Yale Drama Series is intended to support emerging playwrights. Playwrights may win the competition only once.

  • Playwrights may submit only one manuscript per year. Only manuscripts authored by one playwright are eligible.

  • Plays that have been professionally produced or published are not eligible. Plays that have had a workshop, reading, or non-professional production or that have been published as an actor’s edition will be considered.

  • Plays may not be under option, commissioned, or scheduled for professional production or publication at the time of submission.

  • Plays must be typed/word-processed and page numbered. Plays with images are not accepted.

  • The Yale Drama Series reserves the right to reject any manuscript for any reason.

  • The Yale Drama Series reserves the right of the judge to not choose a winner for any given year of the competition and reserves the right to determine the ineligibility of a winner, in keeping with the spirit of the competition, and based upon the accomplishments of the author.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Yale Drama Series Playwriting Competition for Emerging Playwrights in Africa

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