World Vision International NGO Data Analysis, Learning & Reporting Coordinator (SPIR II) Jobs in Ethiopia

World Vision International NGO Data Analysis, Learning & Reporting Coordinator (SPIR II) Jobs in Ethiopia

Job Purpose

Data Analysis, Learning and Reporting Coordinator will lead the processes of data management, data mining, data cleaning, analysis and interpretations of large M&E data or raw data in to a usable information and insights or findings using statistical techniques and software (SPSS, STATA, and others).

S/he is also responsible not only for data analytics, but also for survey design, data quality assurance, data visualization and uses of data for learning, adaptations and decision making by closely working with Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Lead, Collaboration, Learning and Adaptations (CLA) Lead, IPs and SPIR II management, M&E and technical teams through regular learning and reflection processes.

S/he is also responsible for documentations and disseminations of lessons learned and best practices at WV regional Office in consultations with CLA lead and in distilling information from project M&E data (captured either using paper-based or submitted using mobile data collection (MDC) platforms) and SPIR II relevant database for use by all the team including for reporting purposes.

S/he is responsible for production of evidence-based high quality quarterly and annual reports, dashboards as well as any other related management reports as needed at IP level and for ensuring the compliance to the required donor reporting templates, and requirements and in supporting/training the team to produce high quality and effective reporting that focus on key results meeting the minimum page requirements of the donor. S/he is also allots 50% of his time in supporting the consortium MEL team in data cleaning, analysis and reporting requirements as well as other MEL activities as needed.

Major Responsibilities

Lead and coordinate the processes of data analytics, data cleaning, analysis, visualization and reporting

  • Responsible for data mining, analyzing large M&E data (by converting raw data in to a usable information and insights by interpreting it), analysis of results using statistical techniques and providing needed reports as needed,

  • Responsible for sample survey design, sampling, and data collections, quantitative data analysis using appropriate software like STATA, SPSS and others, and also do qualitative data analysis as required for qualitative data,

  • Lead the SPIR activities in data cleansing, summarizing, data analysis, visualizations, presentations and sharing for use by diverse SPIR team at IPs and field level office thereby enhancing incentives for use of M&E data, and learning,

  • Identify gaps early on by analyzing the data, raise performance or any other related questions that should be addressed timely and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets for use by SPIR regional team and consortium levels,
    Generate dashboards, and relevant report with SPIR II MEL specialists, MIS/MDC team and CLA team,

  • Use the data submitted in excel form from MDC platforms like CommCare and KOBO tools, clean it and do data analysis, and presentations using interactive dashboard and ensure the regular and timely use of M&E data and relevant evidence for learning and adaptations

  • Filter and clean data by reviewing computer or MIS/MDC reports, printouts, and performance indicators to locate and correct code and other related problems for adjustments and quick corrections in consultation with the MIS and database specialists at consortium levels

    Learning at WV regional/IP levels

  • Support in ensuring the regional levels IPs to have a proper learning mechanisms/framework ( develop it if there is none), and in implement CLA plans and related learning activities and events, in consultation with CLA Lead

  • Support CLA Lead in facilitating learning processes (peer-to-peer learning, CLA pause and reflect events, etc.) for WV regional/IP office, and other partners/stakeholders for adaptations

  • Support the implementation of key CLA activities at the field level and ensure the implementations of knowledge management at IP levels

  • Facilitating use of data, inculcate learning culture among the technical and M&E team so as to encourage the use of evidence and coordinate all the processes of learning and reflections

  • Led
    the processes of project review, reflections, and enhance knowledge management at IP and field office level,

  • Closely work with the CLA, knowledge management and communication specialists at consortium level and support the documentation of learning from the ideas and initiatives with good practices,

  • Develop learning products, learning brief at regional level, publish and share learning outcomes with close guidance and support (or jointly) with the CLA Lead and contribute to building the knowledge pool in to the SPIR knowledge management system,

  • Contribute to the familiarization, reflection and use of USAID/BHA M&E policies, guidance and requirements (IPTT, indicator handbook, PIRS, Theory of change, MEL Plan, tools, ), and ensure its ownership at all levels,


  • Lead the processes of producing high quality quarterly, annual (focusing only on outputs and outcomes) and final reports (close out reports) at implementing partner level as per the donor and SPIR reporting requirements, templates and support the consortium level team to ensure the same by allotting some portion of his/her time to produce high quality report,

  • Lead the production of high quality quarterly, annual report (AR) and final reports for Oromia Regional Governments and WVE national Offices as per their respective templates, and requirements together with the MEL Coordinator,

  • Coordinates with IPs technical team and closely work with them in the compilation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports at IP levels

  • Communicate regularly with field office M&E, technical and data analysis and reporting coordinator for clarifications and verifications
    Training on intensive donor (USAID/BHA) reporting requirements, templates and packages required for quarterly and annual reports and on how to report only on key higher level results (outputs and outcomes)

    Experience, Knowledge/ Qualifications and Skills for the Role

    Required Professional Experience

  • Experience: 7 years and above working on statistical data collection (using mobile applications), data analysis and presentations in particular and data management in general including data cleaning, data processing and analysis, visualizations, use of evidence for CLA activities mainly for learning and reflection and adaptive management serving as data analyst, statisticians, researcher, M&E specialist.

    Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification

  • Master of Science Degree in Statistics, Economics, Biostatics, Agricultural Economics and related fields

    Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications

  • Very good knowledge of data analysis, data interpretations and presentations, visualizations (using Power BI, tableau, excel and other visualization tools) and sharing of the data for use by diverse SPIR II team at consortium, IPs and field level office,

  • Proven skills and experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods and tools including survey design, sampling, mobile data collection using KOBO tools or CommCare platforms, data management and data quality assurance.

  • Prior work experience in facilitating use of data, learning and reflections, and knowledge management

  • Rich experience in production of high quality quarterly and annual report by analyzing and using M&E data and other evidences

  • Prior work experience on areas of resilience and food security, health and nutrition, USAID/BHA MEL systems is an asset

  • Highly experienced and skilled in data analysis using statistical packages like SPSS, STATA, Python, R, Epi-info, MS-Excel etc.,

  • Strong verbal and oral communications, aptitude for organizational change, innovation, learning, team building

  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy, excellent problem-solving skills, flexibility, and ability to work independently

  • Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; World Vision International NGO Data Analysis, Learning & Reporting Coordinator (SPIR II) Jobs in Ethiopia

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