What is the Function of CTRL A to Z?
List of all A to Z computer shortcut keys for Microsoft windows. ☆☛✅ Control Keys in Computer A-Z.
In computer, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a certain action.
Apple control keyApple command key on Apple computer keyboards the Ctrl key is written as "control" and is next to the option key and command key as shown in the picture to the right.
As far as the placement, the control keys are found in the same location as the Ctrl keys on an IBM computer.
Ctrl keyboard shortcutsCtrl is used in keyboard shortcut key such as the three finger salute or Ctrl+Alt+Del.
This key combination suggests pressing and holding down the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keyboard keys to open the Task Manager or reboot the computer.
List of Control Key Shortcuts Ctrl+A These two keys will select all text or other objects.
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted text.
Ctrl+C Copy any selected text or another object.
Ctrl+D Bookmark an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl+E Center text.
Ctrl+F Open find window.
Ctrl+G Open Find in a browser and word processors.
Ctrl+H Open the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad
Ctrl+I Italicize text.
Ctrl+J View downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl+K Create a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.
Ctrl+L Select address bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor.
Ctrl+M Indent selected text in word processors and other programs.
Ctrl+N Create a new page or document.
Ctrl+O Open a file in most programs.
Ctrl+P Open a print window to print the page you're viewing.
Ctrl+R Reload page in browser or right align text in a word processor.
Ctrl+S Save the document or file.
Ctrl+T Create a new tab in an Internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors.
Ctrl+U Underline selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste any text or another object that has been copied.
Ctrl+W Close open tab in a browser or close a document in Word.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text or another object.
Ctrl+Y These keys will redo any undo action.
Ctrl+End Moves cursor to the end of a document instead of end of the line.
Ctrl+Z Pressing these two keys will undo any action.
Ctrl+Esc Open the Windows Start Menu.
Ctrl+Tab Switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab will go backwards (right to left).
Also see;
More Control Keys in Computer A-Z ➨ Control Key Shortcuts (With Diagrams and Photos)
List of Common Control Key Shortcuts
Ctrl+A These two keys will select all text or other objects.
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted text.
Ctrl+C Copy any selected text or another object.
Ctrl+D Bookmark an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl+E Center text.
Ctrl+F Open find window.
Ctrl+G Open Find in a browser and word processors.
Ctrl+H Open the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad
Ctrl+I Italicize text.
Ctrl+J View downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl+K Create a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.
Ctrl+L Select address bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor.
Ctrl+M Indent selected text in word processors and other programs.
Ctrl+N Create a new page or document.
Ctrl+O Open a file in most programs.
Ctrl+P Open a print window to print the page you're viewing.
Ctrl+R Reload page in browser or right align text in a word processor.
Ctrl+S Save the document or file.
Ctrl+T Create a new tab in an Internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors.
Ctrl+U Underline selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste any text or another object that has been copied.
Ctrl+W Close open tab in a browser or close a document in Word.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text or another object.
Ctrl+Y These keys will redo any undo action.
Ctrl+End Moves cursor to the end of a document instead of end of the line.
Ctrl+Z Pressing these two keys will undo any action.
Ctrl+Esc Open the Windows Start Menu.
Ctrl+Tab Switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Will go backwards (right to left).
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Z Redo
[Ctrl+[] Decrease font size
Ctrl+] Increase font size
Ctrl+= Toggle font subscript
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+= Toggle font superscript
Ctrl+End Bottom(end of document or window)
Ctrl+Home Top (start
of document or window)
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Ctrl+PgDn Next tab
Ctrl+PgUp Previous tab
Ctrl+Tab ↹ Next window or tab
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹ Previous window or tab
Ctrl+← Previous word
Ctrl+→ Next word
Ctrl+Delete Delete next word
Ctrl+←Backspace Delete previous word
Ctrl+Alt+←Backspace Restart X11
Ctrl+Alt+↑ Rotate screen right-side up
Ctrl+Alt+↓ Rotate screen upside down
Ctrl+Alt+← Rotate screen left
Ctrl+Alt+→ Rotate screen right
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc Open task manager
Ctrl+Alt+Del Reboot; Open task manager or session options
20 Common Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys
Ctrl+W → Close the active window / document.
Ctrl+Z → Undo an action.
Ctrl+Y → Redo the last action or repeat an action.
Ctrl+S → Save a document.
Ctrl+P → Print a document.
Ctrl+K → Insert a hyperlink.
Alt+Left → Arrow Go back one page.
Alt+Right → Arrow Go forward one page.
Ctrl+C → Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.
Ctrl+V → Paste the most recent addition to the Office Clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+A → Format all letters as capitals.
Ctrl+B → Applies or removes bold formatting.
Ctrl+I → Applies or removes italic formatting.
Ctrl+= → Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).
Alt, F, A → Save As.
Alt, S, T, I → Insert Table of Contents.
Alt, S, T, R → Remove Table of Contents.
Alt, W, F → Full Screen Reading – View > Document Views > Full Screen Reading.
Alt, W, R → Ruler. View > Show/Hide > Ruler.
Alt, F, X → Exit Word.
Other Common Keyboard Shortcuts → Action
Windows key → Open or close Start Menu.
Windows key + A → Open Action center.
Windows key + C → Open Cortana in listening mode.
Windows key + D → Display or hide the desktop.
Windows key + E → Open File Explorer.
Windows key + G → Open Game bar when a game is open.
Windows key + H → Open the Share charm.
Windows key + I → Open Settings.
Windows key + K → Open the Connect quick action.
Windows key + L → Lock your PC or switch accounts.
Windows key + M → Minimize all windows.
Windows key + R → Open Run dialog box.
Windows key + S → Open Search.
Windows key + U → Open Ease of Access Center.
Windows key + X → Open Quick Link menu.
Windows key + Number → Open the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Windows key + Left arrow key → Snap app windows left.
Windows key + Right arrow key → Snap app windows right.
Windows key + Up arrow key → Maximize app windows.
Windows key + Down arrow key → Minimize app windows.
Windows key + Comma → Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + D → Add a virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow → Switch between virtual desktops.
Windows key + Ctrl + F4 → Close current virtual desktop.
Windows key + Enter → Open Narrator.
Windows key + Home → Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke).
Windows key + PrtScn → Capture a screenshot and save in Screenshots folder.
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow → Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows key + Tab → Open Task view.
Windows key + "+" key → Zoom in using the magnifier.
Windows key + "-" key → Zoom out using the magnifier.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc → Open Task Manager.
Alt + Tab → Switch between open apps.
Alt + Left arrow key → Go back.
Alt + Right arrow key → Go forward.
Alt + Page Up → Move up one screen.
Alt + Page down → Move down one screen.
Ctrl + Alt +Tab → View open apps
Ctrl + C → Copy selected items to clipboard.
Ctrl + X → Cut selected items.
Ctrl + V → Paste content from clipboard.
Ctrl + A → Select all content.
Ctrl + Z → Undo an action.
Ctrl + Y → Redo an action.
Ctrl + D → Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl + Esc → Open the Start Menu.
Ctrl + Shift → Switch the keyboard layout.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc → Open Task Manager.
Ctrl + F4 → Close the active window.
Computer Shortcut Keys and their Functions