Victoria Law Foundation’s Knowledge Grants – Australia
Victoria Law Foundation’s Knowledge Grants – Australia
Knowledge Grants support community legal organisations to undertake a research project to:
Develop a new understanding of the legal needs of Victorians through collection of data and information
Improve capability to collect, analyse and use data and information about particular audiences
share information with other organisations or agencies which results in a better understanding of the target group and ways to address need effectively.
The types of projects likely to be funded involve:
Investigation into a specific civil legal issue through collection and collation of data and information.
Using data to identify a community profile using a range of data sources, such as service data, ABS data, data dashboards, community or client feedback.
Piloting a new service model, practice or data collection approach that involves the collection of new or additional data and information about clients and their needs.
Grant criteria
In addition to meeting the object of Victoria Law Foundation and grant aims, priority will be given to applications that can demonstrate the guiding principles.
Projects funded through the Knowledge Grant program should lead to better services, programs or interventions for Victorians.
The skills, systems, processes and data you gather as part of your project should be useful beyond the life of your project. This might include how you work with client
groups, deliver your service, allocate resources or advocate for law reform.
Ethical standards
It is a requirement that any Knowledge Grant research project complies with best practice guidelines, codes and legislation relating to ethical research.
We have further guidance, information and templates available for developing your proposal.
Application Timeline
Applications for 2023/24 Knowledge Grants are open 1 July 2023 to Monday 28 August, 5pm.
Knowledge Grant applications are only open to community legal services or not-for-profit community organisations that provide a dedicated legal service.
Research organisations, courts, tribunals, statutory bodies or another community legal service may consider partnering with a community legal organisation to provide guidance and expertise or pool resources to undertake a research project where there is shared interest.
We only fund organisations – individuals are not able to apply.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Victoria Law Foundation’s Knowledge Grants – Australia
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