UNEP Project Development Expert - Equatorial Guinea Jobs in Kenya

UNEP Project Development Expert - Equatorial Guinea Jobs in Kenya


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment".

Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.

The PPG phase will include the following five PPG core Activities:

  • PPG Activities A: Technical review and studies including validation and baseline analyses;

  • These include the following: targeted studies for design of specific project outputs and selection of targeted areas of interventions ensuring complementarities with existing donor funding, including by other GEF and related projects; review existing (if any) regulatory and economic instruments (PES and others) in place whose aims are biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services preservation;

  • PPG Activities B: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation: This include finalization of the project intervention strategy and indicators, including preparation of the consultation strategy, development of the Project Theory of change, finalization of project results framework with indicators, a detailed incremental-cost analysis, development of the M&E plan, definition of the quantitative and qualitative Global Environmental Benefits that the project is expected to generate, description of the Innovation, Sustainability, and Potential for Scaling Up to be incorporated into the project design, Identification of the project Risks and corresponding risk mitigation measures, finalization of implementation and management arrangements. All proposed arrangements and indicators will be screened for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

  • PPG Activities C: Financial planning and co-financing investments: including the total Budget, Work Plan and timetable, completion of official endorsement letters, a procurement plan;

  • PPG Activities D: Launching (Inception, mission 1) and Validation workshops (mission 2) to present, discuss and validate the methodological approach and validate the final draft CEO submission package.

  • PPG Activities E: Completion of final documentation in GEF (CEO endorsement template and its annexes).

    Consultancy objective:

    To collaborate with UNEP and the Government of Equatorial Guinea in the implementation of the PPG and write the UNEP GEF full-sized CEO Endorsement and the required/relevant appendices and annexes.

    There are four main sets of activities implied in the above objective, and which will yield integrated deliverables that have been coded for the ease of reference as follows:

  • Act as Project Development Expert – resulting in deliverables coded as “Proj Dev” 1 through 8;

  • Act as Environmental Finance Expert NCA / PES / Biodiversity Offsets / Credits – resulting in deliverables coded as “Env_Finance” 1 through 3;

  • Act as Expert to assess the Capacity of the Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities – resulting in deliverables coded as “Cap_Assessment” 1 and 2; and

  • Facilitate English translation of Spanish produced Reports – which will be conducted in three steps (“Transl_step”).

    Outputs/Work Assignment

  • Deliverable 1 (Proj Dev_D1): Final consolidated PPG work plan (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives' contributions to the drafting of a consolidated PPG work plan); (Env_Finance D1) Report containing the “Baseline and Methodological Aspects Environment Finance, Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and PES" by January 2024;

  • Deliverable 2 (Proj Dev_D2). Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: General Project Information, Section A and C (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives' contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus the first draft of ANNEX C: Project results framework (separate file); (Cap_Assessment D1) Methodology for the Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities by February 2024;

  • Deliverable 3 (Proj Dev_D3). Inception Report following Mission
    to country conducted (Indicatively in Feb-2024) by March 2024;

  • Deliverable 4 (Proj Dev_D4). Submission of the first working draft of the following sections of the CEO ER: Sections B (incorporation of individual consultants, technical partners and country representatives' contributions to the drafting of the above-mentioned sections), plus a first draft of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Screen (separate file, following UNEP's template); (Env_Finance D2) Report containing the “Feasibility of innovative options for sustainable financing of the conservation of primary forests, including through Carbon and biodiversity credits and nature certificate schemes and implying considerations on the private sector in supporting implementation of economic instruments” by April 2024;

  • Deliverable 5 (Proj Dev_D5) 5. Submission of first full working draft (excl. Annexes and separate file) of the CEO ER for country-level consultations and for initial technical review by UNEP, including a draft in Excel of the project's budget and workplan (to be included in ANNEX G: Budget Table in GEF format, and in UNEP's format); (Transl_step 1) CEO Endorsement Request with all its annexures and separate files translated into Spanish for national validation by May 2024;

  • Deliverable 6: (Env_Finance D3) Report containing “Final considerations on the Project Strategy relating to Environment Finance, NCA, PES, Biodiversity Offsets / Credits”; (Cap_Assessment D1) Finalized Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency and Technical Executing partners to support the implementation of project activities; (Transl_step 2) First update of the CEO Endorsement Request documentation; (Proj Dev_D7) 7. Validation Mission to country conducted (Indicatively in late Jun-2024) by June 2024;

  • Deliverable 7: (Proj Dev_D6) . Submission of the final GEF CEO ER (incl. all annexes and separate files) in English to UNEP and in Spanish (Transl_step 3) for final country validation by July 2024;

  • Deliverable 8: CEO ER reviewed by GEF Secretariat and comments addressed, Response to GEF review comments provided, CEO ER approved by GEF;

    Qualifications/special skills

  • A Minimum of Master's degree in environmental sciences, environmental planning, biology, biodiversity and conservation, natural resource management, environmental economics, international development studies, environmental finance, development finance, or a closely related field is required.

  • A first-level university degree in combination with two (2) additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

  • A Minimum of 7 years of professional experience in the field of biodiversity conservation, protected area management and natural resource management is required; experience in innovative environmental financing, PES, Biodiversity/carbon credits is highly desirable.

  • Demonstrable experience in the development and design of GEF projects and/or programs, with a proven track record of approval of GEF projects is required

  • Experience with project development, implementation, management and monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development projects, in particular in the areas of biodiversity and ecosystem management is desirable;

  • Technical and intellectual skills in biodiversity management, landscape management, wildlife management and enforcement, protected area management, sustainable fisheries management and gender equality is desirable;

  • Demonstrable expertise in managing relationships and developing and maintaining strategic partnerships including across government and non-government actors is desirable;

  • Experience working with international organizations, and the GEF, is preferred.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the consultancy, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese is desirable

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; UNEP Project Development Expert - Equatorial Guinea Jobs in Kenya

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