Trefoil Personal Development Grants for Young People in the United Kingdom
Trefoil Personal Development Grants for Young People in the United Kingdom
Trefoil offers Personal Development Grants to young people under the age of 25 years with additional needs which may be psycho/social or of a physical nature which impacts upon their development.
Trefoil funds a variety of applications but particularly supports applications concerning sport, art, music, life skills and adventure.
Eligibility: Young people under the age of 25 years with special needs which may be psycho/social or of a physical nature which impacts upon their
The purpose of the grant should be to support personal development and independence (educational, social or moral development) for eligible individuals/groups where statutory funding is not available, considered to be inappropriate or indeed needs to be topped up (this is not to replace statutory funding or to relieve statutory bodies of their funding and support obligations).
The grants may be provided to individuals or organisations. The project or event should be structured in order to provide an evaluation criterion which is agreed in advance of the award. The criteria must be mutually agreed between Trefoil, the individual and the supervising body.
The level of the award will be at the discretion of the Trefoil Grants Committee and will only be subject to appeal under extreme circumstances. Normally involvement in projects or awards which should be subject to statutory funding will not be considered, although match funding with other sources such as Local Authorities and charities
will be considered.
Process:Applications should be submitted no later than 12 weeks
before any funds are required, this allows time for references to be accessed, etc. Any application which does not meet the minimum timescale cannot be considered. Therefore applicants should apply as early as possible. However, this should be no more than 6 months prior to the date when funds are required.
The Charity requires two referees to support the application, one of whom should be involved with the applicant(s) on an appropriate professional basis (nurse, doctor, social worker). The referees should be able to validate the reasons for the application and the potential benefits to the applicant.
Depending on the scale of the request (eg an organisation requesting funding on behalf of a number of applicants or a complex application) the applicants may be required to provide a more detailed plan for the consideration of the Trefoil
Grants Committee.
The purpose of the Grant is to allow the applicant to participate in a project which
without the Grant would not have been available to them.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Trefoil Personal Development Grants for Young People in the United Kingdom
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