Tomberg Family Philanthropies Grants Program in the US
Tomberg Family Philanthropies Grants Program in the US
The Tomberg Family Philanthropies is seeking applications for its grants program to support a number of truly excellent projects and organizations working to improve the world.
AreasThey will accepting applications in all four of the funding areas, which are:
Poverty Alleviation.
Core Values
Equal Opportunity and anti-discrimination regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation are core values of the Tomberg Family Philanthropies.
Funding Information
$5,000 and $20,000 USD.
Eligibility Criteria
The Tomberg Family Philanthropies only makes grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in the United States or a government entity or public institution in the United States such as a public school or university.
They normally only consider projects where the contribution would be at least 5% of the project's total expenses. Given the $20,000 maximum grant amount, this means that your project's total expenses may not exceed $400,000.
They normally only consider projects that would be considered pilot programs, support of new programs, capacity building, demonstration projects, program evaluations, expansions of existing projects with demonstrable results into new geographic areas or markets, or similar types of projects.
They normally are not able to support ongoing operations of existing programs.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Tomberg Family Philanthropies Grants Program in the US
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