The7stars Foundation Grant Program for Organizations

The7stars Foundation Grant Program for Organizations

Project funding for charities aligned to our funding priorities and age range. Please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:


  • Project grants awarded up to £2,500.

  • To organisations with a turnover of under £1.5M.

  • Supporting young people aged 16 years and under.

  • Projects enabling young people to have the best start in life- to reach for the stars.

  • Projects which have a direct impact and respond to a need in an immediate manner.

  • Projects hosted in geographical areas of deprivation and socioeconomic disadvantage.

  • Projects which respond to (one of the/multiple) funding priorities of the7stars foundation (Abuse; Addiction; Homelessness; Child Carers).

  • Projects which address a lack of provision (due to a lack of funding from alternative sources).

  • Projects which provide immediate support not just in the short-term but with long-term benefits too.

  • Regarding projects for Child Carers, preference will be given to projects offering long-term impact and/or sustainable support (such as mentoring or outreach programmes) over recreational trips.


    Please note we offer funding to registered charities only. Please be advised that this application process requires you to provide details on your project, organisation, budget, bank account, and other details relevant to delivering the project. This form works on mobile devices but you may prefer to do this on a desktop so you can prepare and upload the requested information and files more easily.

    Shine Bright funding enables charities across the UK to purchase items and resources to protect and support the children they serve through the cost of living crisis. Charities are asked to provide details of how our funding can assist, and which items would be purchased through an award. Grants are available up to £1,500 per successful application. Please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:


  • Shine Bright funding enables charities across the UK to purchase items and resources to protect and support the children they serve through the cost of living crisis.

  • Charities are asked to provide details
    of how our funding can assist, and which items would be purchased through an award. Grants are available up to £1,500 per successful application.

  • Please note, we are only able to fund charitable organisations with a turnover below £1.5m.


    Please note we offer funding to registered charities only. Please be advised that this application process requires you to provide details on your project, charity, finances, and other details relevant to delivering the project. This form works on mobile devices but you may prefer to do this on a desktop so you can prepare and upload the requested information and files more easily.

    Direct funding requests on behalf of individual young people by outreach/social/care workers and legal professionals, please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:


  • Please note this application must be submitted by an outreach/social/care worker or legal professional, on behalf of the young person (aged 16 or under).

  • Grants will be paid to the referee and the referee is responsible for ensuring the funds are directed in line with the approved purpose below. Submission of expenditure receipts and a grant report are required following the grant award.


    Please be advised that this application process requires you to provide details on your project, charity, finances, and other details relevant to delivering the project. This form works on mobile devices but you may prefer to do this on a desktop so you can prepare and upload the requested information and files more easily.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; The7stars Foundation Grant Program for Organizations

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