Supporting Local Artists Grant Program in Australia
Supporting Local Artists Grant Program in Australia
PurposeOur Arts Grants – Supporting Local Artists
aligns with the Community Plan 2030 themes of
‘People’ and ‘Prosperity’, and strategic plans
including (but not limited to) the Arts and
Culture Development Action Plan 2021–25. The
grants also aim to support local job growth,
investment and industry development.
To achieve this purpose this grant provides
funding to support our local artists/creatives to
further develop skills and capacity to exhibit,
perform, present and/or sell their work.
Examples of eligible activities include
(but are not limited to)Working with an artist mentor to develop
arts project outcomes
Working with industry professionals to develop a broader understanding of the arts industry to develop your arts business to become sustainable
Support to develop your arts practice, and
present and market your work professionally.
The objectives of the Arts Grants – Supporting
Local Artists are to increase:
Skills and capacity of our creatives to
produce and present their work
The number of our local creatives becoming
The number of our creatives actively
participating in our local economy
Skills, knowledge and leadership capability
within the arts and cultural development sector
Opportunities for community members to
access and participate in activities that celebrate the arts and cultural diversity.
Funding conditions
Applicants must be residents of the
City of Onkaparinga.
All quotes and budgets must include the full
cost including GST and be uploaded with application.
GST does not apply to grant payments,
regardless of whether or not an organisation is registered for GST.
The project must be completed and funds
acquitted by 30 June 2024 in accordance with agreed terms and conditions.
Applicants who have submitted multiple
applications across different grants must rank their applications in order of preference (i.e. if not all applications are able to be funded, please let us know which is the most important to you).
Applicants should be aware of their responsibilities to comply with federal government taxation requirements. For information or advice on whether you should be registered for GST or need an Australian Business Number contact the Australian Taxation Office info line on 132 866 or visit their website at
2023-24 Supporting Local Artists
Eligibility Criteria
Who can apply
Local artists/creatives
Individuals (sole traders)
Collaborations/creative teams.
Local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
(ATSI) artists are encouraged to apply.
To be eligible for funding, an applicant:
Must be a local artist/creative with
aspirations to becoming a professional creative business and or practitioner
Must reside in the City of Onkaparinga
Must not have an overdue grant acquittal
with City of Onkaparinga. You will need to satisfactorily acquit previously awarded grants before being eligible to apply for this grant. Organisations that have had unsatisfactory dealings with council may be also be precluded from receiving funding.
Applicants may seek funding for activities that indicate they may return a profit, however
during the assessment process consideration will be given to whether council funding is required in order for the activity to go ahead, and also how the profits are likely to be used.
Who is not
Elected members and employees of the City
of Onkaparinga must not be involved in the development of a grant application and are not eligible to sign or be listed on any grant
application. Refer to the Grants Policy for more information.
Any applicant that has an unresolved matter
with Council for example (but not limited to):
Failed to comply with all applicable statutory requirements including but not limited to, all acts and activities that constitute development pursuant to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016
Are in litigation with council
Have outstanding debts with council
What we can fund
Projects/activities located in the
City of Onkaparinga
Projects/activities that can demonstrate
alignment with our Community Plan 2030 and Arts and Cultural Development Action Plan 2021–25, and other strategic plans
Direct project costs (e.g. engineering reports,
installation materials, child safe assessments)
Arts materials and equipment
Professional development
Projects/activities with an arts outcome that
provide benefits to the wider community by encouraging opportunities for community participation and development
Activities that target marginalised groups
within our communities are encouraged
Once-off facilitator/trainer fees or initial
insurance for the program/activity.
What we won’t fund
Individual applicants who are not residents
of the City of Onkaparinga
Artists/creative teams that do not include at
least one City of Onkaparinga resident
Projects/activities which are not located in
the City of Onkaparinga
Payment of ongoing salaries
Recurrent operational costs (e.g. telephone,
electricity, cleaning/maintenance, ongoing Public Liability Insurance, subscriptions)
Purchases made or money already spent prior to funding being issued. Retrospective funding will not be considered (including contractual payment plans that have already commenced)
Artwork that may be deemed offensive or
may bring the council into disrepute. In line
with our Grants Policy the assessment of all
funding applications will take into consideration the potential impact and risk – both positive and negative – on council’s brand and reputation. We reserve the right not to fund any application or organisation that could possibly damage council’s brand or reputation.
Additional requirements/information
A one-page CV per artist/creative identifying
the applicant/s as a local City of Onkaparinga artist.
Provide up to four high quality images/examples of previous or relevant work.
You can only submit one application for this
grant. However, applicants are able to submit applications to separate grant programs within the same financial year (one application per program) for different activities, however to ensure equity and fair access to our funding, applicants are asked to rank their applications in order of preference, and this will be considered in the
assessment process for each grant.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Supporting Local Artists Grant Program in Australia
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