Solidaridad Mapping Climate Change and Biodiversity Protection Practices and Indicators for Inclusion Jobs in Tanzania

Solidaridad Mapping Climate Change and Biodiversity Protection Practices and Indicators for Inclusion Jobs in Tanzania


  • The objective of this assignment is to develop a profile of biodiversity threats and climate vulnerabilities related to Coffee, Horticulture and Tea production and develop a set of best practices and indicators required for integration in the VSS framework.
  • Identification of best practices and solutions will need to cascade along the whole commodity supply chain from production to processing.

  • This should include practices derived from existing good practices, potential practices and strategies laid out within policy frameworks on climate change and biodiversity protection.

  • The assignment covers the project areas of the “To certification and beyond: Market access for sustainable coffee, horticulture and tea from Tanzania project.

    Major outcomes of the assignment would be:

  • Scoping analysis outlining the current status of climate change vulnerability and biodiversity trends related to tea, horticulture and coffee in the target area.

  • Profile of climate and biodiversity responsive best practices across the 3 commodities.

  • A validated framework, with practices, indicators, tools and guidance, to quantify and verify environmental impacts on any of the 3-targeted commodities.


    This study will need to meet the below criteria;

  • Be able to profile significant climate vulnerabilities and biodiversity trends and threats within the target commodity production landscapes. This should entail (i) The current climate risks and Green house emissions associated with the target commodities ii) The status and trends on land use, water and soil biodiversity in the target production landscapes.

  • Identify interventions that support Climate change, and biodiversity goals simultaneously across the 3 commodities generated from best practices, literature and policy frameworks.

  • Embed the best practices into a standards framework, with indicators tools and guidance, to quantify and verify contributions to the climate change adaptation, mitigation and biodiversity protection goals. The standard framework should be able to ensure real time quantification of environmental impacts on any of the 3-targeted commodities.

  • Profile key actors and identify/propose governance frameworks that exist/needed for implementation of the environmental component of the developed framework.

  • Hold a multi-stakeholder meeting to validate the developed measures, practices and indicators for inclusion in the Tanzania VSS framework.

    The consultant will be required to address these questions among others:

  • What are the key climate risks affecting the target commodities?

  • What is the GHG emission and sequestration potential for the target commodities?

  • What is the contribution of identified commodity supply chain actions to land-use change, soil and water degradation? (What are the impacts of commodity supply chain actions on biodiversity)?

  • How does climate change contribute to unsustainable actions across the commodities?

  • What are the best scenarios needed also to ensure a shift towards climate smart land use systems, reduced risks and improved climate change mitigation potential across identified commodities?

  • What aspects of climate policies and biodiversity frameworks could help to advance development of the Tanzania environmental component of VSS framework?

  • What best practices and policy approaches for mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity protection are critical for integration in the Tanzania environmental component VSS framework?

  • What actors/institutional frameworks are needed to cause a shift towards sustainable environmentally responsive thinking among the identified supply chain actors?

  • What is the stakeholder perception on identified practices, indicators and guidelines and their implication for integration in the VSS framework?

    Scope of work


  • Four regions in Tanzania mainland i.e. Mbeya, Songwe,
    Njombe and Ruvuma (Mbinga and Nyasa districts)

  • Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba)

    Solidaridad expects the consultant to perform the following activities:

  • Desk study.

  • Expert interviews.

  • Field missions.

  • Validation workshop/meeting.


  • The consultant will be expected to set out a short methodological approach, which can be further developed during the inception phase. We are open to different methodological approaches and part of the proposal should focus on what approach(es) will be used and why, if possible give different research scenarios and cost implications.

    While we will not prescribe the approach we would anticipate the following elements:

    • Desk based research both from regional and country level perspective:

    • Interviews with key institutions, implementing organizations, and funders / donors interested to invest in.

    • Possibly site visits to specific mentioned areas to understand the context on the ground – the scope of any such visits would need to be discussed and agreed beforehand.

    Expected Deliverables

    The key deliverables are:

  • Brief inception report and detailed work plan for the assignment execution - Deadline is on 3rd December 2020

  • A draft report (with identified Climate risks, biodiversity trends/threats and climate/biodiversity responsive best practices) Deadline is on 8th January 2020

  • A draft framework with practices, indicators, tools and guidelines for integration in the Tanzania VSS framework - Deadline is on 8th January 2020

    A detailed final report, including but not limited to:

  • Detailed scoping analysis

  • Profile of climate and biodiversity responsive practices

  • Environmental component of the VSS framework.

  • Stakeholder mapping and validation report

  • List and contact information of stakeholders consulted (if any)

  • Deadline for above is on 15th January 2020

    Required Expertise and Qualifications

    To be eligible to apply for this role the consultant must have:

    ● Proven experience in undertaking such commodity based work linked to standards development.

    ● Strong analytical skills to identify current trends, gaps and opportunities related to biodiversity and climate change.

    ● Proven experience working on development of best practices across target commodities.

    ● Good understanding of climate and biodiversity/environmental policies in Tanzania and globally.

    ● Knowledge of the Tanzania commodity (tea, Coffee, Horticulture) ecosystem(including actors and actions) would be an added advantage.

    ● Ability to communicate findings in an accessible way for technical and non-technical readers, including presentation of data in visually appealing ways & well-structured rigorous summaries of findings.

    ● A team with mixed professionals on commodities, conservation and climate analytics and standards development.

    ● Flexible and adaptable approach to the assignment to respond to new information and gather quality information in a short time period

    How to Apply

  • The consulting entity is required to submit a proposal outlining with clear description of the work which should include, methodology, a detailed work plan, financial proposal (indicating both the professional daily rates and costs for logistics/operations, a letter of interest containing a statement on firms/candidates experience with similar assignments, detailed CV (including sample links /related work successfully produced in the last 2-3 years),and at least 2 work references. Financial proposals should be developed in EURO

  • The application deadline is 20th November 2020

  • Submissions should be sent to:

  • Email:

  • Note: We highly encourage applications from *companies / business entities/firms**

  • Note: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification and Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

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