SDF Grants in Uganda - Grants for Skilling Initiatives
The Skills Development Fa cihtY (SOF) is part of the $100 million Uganda Skills Development Project (USDP) which is a G avec nment of Uganda Project funded by the World Bank, implemented by the Private Sector Foundation Uganda.
The SDF aims at promoting cmployeeled short term training in order to address prevailing skills Imbalances and shortages in Uganda.
An important element of Use initiative into facilitate collaboration between training providers and Industry to promote demand driven skills development with special attention to innovative modes of training.
About SOF:
The facility is a 5.year project which In implemented through a grant facility mechanism that is co-financed by the private sector through a matching grant contribution, and support training activities that lead to improved productivity and competitiveness In the formal and Informal sectors.
This requires strategic partnerships between firms, service providers and industry associations.
The focus is on short-term, practical and technical training of employees (including business skills for the informal sector) ranging from few days to not more than Sin months.
The actual executing of the training must not elated one year.
The prioritized UTCS and Win are highlighted on the SOF website: wwwcifuvanda mg However, other VT* with minimum requirements for provision of such training may be considered. SOF will directly contract the training institutions to train a pool of grantees.
The trainees will be subjected to assessment by Directorate of Industrial Training (DM.
PSFU/SDF now wishes to invite Concept Notes (maximum 3 pages) from the informal sector actors including: Craftsmen organization / Workers'unlons/AssoclatIon/Non-Governmental
Organizations (NG0s) / Community Based Organizations (C80s) / Cooperatives that have been In existence for at least 1 year and duly registered
The Concept Note should clearly Indicate a brief on the applying organization, legality of the applicant, selected VD or UTC to provide the training, duration of applicant's existence after its legal registration, number
Refer to the SDF website for the guiding questions and expected layout of the concept note.
How to Apply?
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