scholarship and grants

by Veronica

I would like to get more information on nursing scholarships abroad. I really need one. Please send all the links that could make my dream come true am not limited to nursing but any undergraduate medical scholarship.
Thanks in advance.


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I am a Ugandan, I completed high school last year (2009) I would like to join University and do bachalor of science in food science and Technology or bachalor of science Biological (specialising in biochemistry chemistry and botany).But unfortunatly i come from a poor family
and my parents can not aford any more. So Irequest you to send to me contacts of any kind organisation or person that can help me.
On the other hand we can change our Africa by
putting much emphasis on food or Agriculcural prossesing industries because most of African countries export Agricultural raw material insteat of processed products that could lead to the growth of their economies. Thanks alot

Scholarships for a working man
by: Anonymous


ID reserved... Ma question is... Are there any scholarships tailored specificly for the working man... e.g An idividual with a National Certificate in Art and Design willing to enroll for a degree program.. 4 years experience as a museum officer. Are there such scholarships for man like the above mentioned..Mindfullof the age...28 in this instance.

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