Realization of Feature Film and Full-Length Animated Film Fund

Realization of Feature Film and Full-Length Animated Film Fund

The substantive selection involves selecting feature films that are qualitatively distinctive in form and content and contribute to a diverse and daring film offering.

The level of ambition of Dutch mainstream films is also expected to be such that these films attract a large audience in the Netherlands in terms of quality and accessibility.

Who is Eligible?

The applicant is an independent production company (a legal entity, i.e. not a sole proprietorship or general partnership) that has been established in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, a member state of the EU, EEA or Switzerland for at least two years and produces and exploits films and other audiovisual productions on a continuous basis.

The production company is represented by a producer who, as a major producer, has been primarily responsible for realizing at least one feature film or full-length animated film with a cinema release in the Netherlands. The producer representing the production company is not the same person as the director or screenwriter of the film.


For a film with a production budget of up to €2 million:

  • Maximum €950,000

    For a film with a production budget of € 2 million:

  • Maximum € 1,200,000

    For a project application for a regular feature film, a maximum amount applies for a production budget of up to € 2 million and a maximum for a production budget of more than € 2 million. The (further increased) amount of the Fund must not displace investments from the market, but must add value and contribute to agreements made in the context of fair remuneration and thorough preparation.

    The above basic contributions include the earmarked amounts:

  • €15,000 for sales deliveries, audio description and subtitling

  • €50,000 as a contribution to the producer's marketing and promotion costs during the realization phase.

    The Fund makes an additional contribution to making production more sustainable:

  • A contribution to the costs of the eco-manager up to an amount of € 3,000


    The regular criteria and provisions stated in the Fund's regulations apply to all feature films .

    The film plans must also meet the following conditions:

    Upon request

  • The independence of the producer as a cultural entrepreneur is guaranteed;

  • There is a need for subsidy. The fund contribution is therefore of decisive
    importance for the feasibility of the financing;

  • The financing plan for a film production provides a realistic overview of (possible) financiers. Written evidence or statements must be enclosed for contributions already promised. The extent to which concrete commitments have already been made by third parties, for example film distributors or operators, is taken into account in the assessment;

  • The applicant indicates in the film plan what the producer's and director's vision is for the release. For mainstream films, the audience forecast is well substantiated.


  • The fund conditions set in the Intention must be met no later than 9 months after the Intention to grant a subsidy in Phase 1. Otherwise the Intention to grant a subsidy will be cancelled . The decision in Phase 2 is made on the basis of the detailed documents consisting of, among other things, a definitive marketing and distribution strategy, the further detailed budget and progress in third-party financing and the directing agreement and the joint vision of the producer and director on budget and implementation, including alignment with the Fund's sustainability goals. A verbal explanation can be provided in a conversation with the board and/or department head involved.

  • The budget and financing must be fully balanced, unconditionally demonstrated and the implementation agreement with the Fund must be concluded within 15 months at the latest after the intention to award a subsidy.

  • The budget ambition stated by the applicant determines the fund contribution and is considered one of the unique features. Adjustment of unique characteristics including the director, the screenplay, the amount of the budget or details mentioned in the decision means a reassessment of the project.

  • After showing the working copy of the film , a detailed marketing and distribution plan must be delivered.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Realization of Feature Film and Full-Length Animated Film Fund

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