Practical Action NGO Consultancy on Hygiene Sanitation in Kenya

Practical Action NGO Consultancy on Hygiene Sanitation in Kenya

Practical Action is seeking the services of a consultant to undertake a comprehensive assessment and review of the existing County (Kisumu) & National policies and guidelines on Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) with a view to developing clear and conclusive policy recommendations on WASH financing and innovative models for behavior change on hygiene promotion among the under-fives.

The consultant will undertake desk reviews of WASH policies nationally and by extension, in Kisumu County, hold meetings with Key stakeholders in the County and the national level identify policies and guidelines for review, identify and propose new changes/ amendments to the policies.

The consultant will work with Practical Action, Kisumu Urban Apostolate Programme (KUAP) and Kisumu County Government (Public Health Department, Water & Environment, Early Childhood Education) during the whole process of desk review, consultations and key meetings with stakeholders.

Key Tasks

The key tasks for this consultancy that would ensure that the consultant(s)/firm will achieve the
above will be to:

  • Develop an inception report clearly demonstrating full understanding of the TOR, proposed methodology and relevant instruments to achieve the objectives the policy review.
  • Develop relevant tools for data collection i.e Key informant interview, focus group discussions among others.
  • Conduct desk review to identify and appraise existing national and county WASH policy frameworks and legislations. With the support of Practical Action and KUAP staff the consultants will identify and interview key stakeholders including
    representatives from the County government
  • Field work: The policy review will involve field visits/ interviews with ECD Center managers and health facility in charges in Nyalenda A, Nyalenda B and Obunga. The Consultant will also hold stakeholder meetings with key partners. The use of participatory tools for data collection and analysis is highly recommended. These will be discussed and agreed upon between the consulting firm and Practical Action.
  • Facilitate a one-day consultative workshop for the key WASH stakeholders within Kisumu County
  • Key Deliverables and expected Outputs

    This policy review is expected to take a total of 28 working days starting in January 2019. The
    consultant will submit the following deliverables:

    An Inception report

  • Upon selection, the consulting firm shall have an inception meeting with Practical Action within
    which the team shall be briefed on the assignment and provided an opportunity to prepare the
    inception report not exceeding ten pages. This report will consist of a realistic Work Plan that
    will operationalize and direct the policy review process.
  • The inception report will articulate the
    consultants understanding of the TOR and/ or improved conceptualization on how they propose to undertake the policy review, articulate their methodology, and in general bring refinements and elaboration to these

    Terms of Reference. The inception report will address the following elements.

  • Methodology to be adopted including relevant data collection tools
  • Relevant policy documents which will be reviewed
  • Work schedule including deliverables by dates

    Preliminary/ draft policy

  • The appointed consultants will be expected to provide a report of preliminary findings, and
    likely recommendations presented to the program team to provide comments and way forward with the process.
  • Final findings, recommendations and amendments:
    After different stakeholder consultations, desk reviews, stakeholder meetings, the Consultant
    will submit a final findings, recommendations and amendments of the reviewed policy in water
    sanitation and hygiene addressing WASH issues of children under 5 years.

    7 Administrative and logistical support:

  • The Consultants will report to the Portfolio Manager – WASH and Urban Services. KUAP and
    Practical Action project team in Kisumu will provide day to day support during the assignment.
  • In order to support the actualization of this assignment and within stipulated timelines, Practical
    Action will also provide Logistical and administrative support in organizing consultation
    meetings and forums to ensure that the process is undertaken successfully

    Consultant requirements

    The consultant(s)/firm will comprise of policy and legal drafting experts with the following skills
    and capabilities in the team:

  • Master’s degree in public policy, law or social sciences coupled with extensive experience in developing policies (in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene thematic areas will be an added advantage).
  • Master’s degree in Public Health coupled with extensive experience in undertaking policy reviews/ development
  • At least 10 years practical experience working in the areas of Public health and development/ review of policies.
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English and Kiswahili is mandatory
  • Excellent analytical, writing and presentation skills which will be demonstrated through submission of at least 2 policies reviewed/ developed of concluded assignments of a similar nature.
  • Positive referencing from development partners in Kenya or globally would be an added advantage for specific assignments successfully completed
  • Guidelines for Submission of Expression of Interest

    A consulting entity that meets the above requirements and is available within the time limit
    indicated above should submit the following:

  • Proposal and capability statement with clear methodological approach
  • Detailed financial proposal in Kenyan Shillings: If the evaluation team consists of several members, the professional fees should not be a mere daily rate, but it should be based on clearly shown time allocation by each member of the team to the various evaluation activities.
  • Annexed to the proposal should be CVs of the proposed team outlining previous policy review experiences and accomplishment
  • Terms of Engagement
  • Payment for the policy review shall be done in four tranches as indicated below
  • Tranche 1 (25% of the total cost): Upon successful submission of inception report
  • Tranche 2 (25% of the total cost): submission and acceptance of the proposed findings, draft amendments and recommendations to the existing National and County WASH policies.
  • Understanding the scope and the assignment, Methodology, work plan or gantt chart showing
    the flow of tasks and events, Proposed personnel and qualifications

    How to Apply

  • Detailed financial proposal
  • Cover letter with the following as minimum: validity period of 120 days for the prices
    quoted in the attached financial proposal, your proposal shall be binding upon you subject to
    the modifications resulting from any discussions, certify your acceptance of Practical Action
    payment terms if awarded, that you are responsible for all applicable taxes and fees, as prescribed under the applicable laws for income, compensation, permits, licenses, and other taxes and fees due as required, you understand that Practical Action is not bound to accept any proposal, Authorized Signature, Name and Title of Signatory
  • Submission (Contact office, address, packaging of proposal, deadline)
    Interested consulting entities that have capacity to deliver this TOR are invited to submit a
    complete proposal to with subject line “Review of existing county and national policies on hygiene & sanitation for children under 5yrs in Kisumu County for A Safe Pair of Hands Project” so as to reach Practical Action on or before Monday 31st
    December 2018

  • For more information and job application details, see; Practical Action NGO Consultancy on Hygiene Sanitation in Kenya

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