Paadmaan Video Event for Artists Worldwide
Paadmaan Video Event for Artists Worldwide
Paadmaan Video Event is an open-ended, alternative platform for video screenings with itinerant venues, cultural engagement and discourse of interdisciplinary forms in video, born in Tehran, based in Amsterdam, organized by Paadmaan Projects.
In the third edition, our curatorial perspective is focused on work that explores the phenomenon of dreams and dreaming, as well as anomalous and extraordinary forms of the imagination. Dreaming and the imagination are distinct, functionally different modes; however, both are interconnected and play a crucial role in the human quest for learning and understanding our evolving selves and the world we inhabit over time.
Ultimately, both activities are epistemic, about learning, and contribute to the acquisition and construction of knowledge. PVE3 welcomes submissions that delve into the realms of dream states and dreaming, as well as fantastical facets of the imagination.
Rules & TermsThe video event is open to visual, new media and interdisciplinary artists worldwide.
Video in languages other than English (inc. those in Persian) must be subtitled in English.
Running time of all works submitted shall not exceed 10 minutes. Work longer than 10 minutes will need to be edited (shortened) or will not be considered for the festival.
All Video work
must be original to the artist who is submitting. If the work is of a collaborative nature, or belonging to another artist, the submission must credit the original artist, and written permission from that artist must be granted, and provided to the festival. Submissions must secure the consent of All authors / creative parties involved in the project.
Paadmaan Projects reserves the right to archive any video project chosen for screening and work may be featured in future programs around the world. Note – all artists retain copyright of their original work as submitted.
All video submissions to the festival should recognize and uphold the norms & standards governing copyright laws specific to their country of origin.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Paadmaan Video Event for Artists Worldwide
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