Opinion on Make Advance Africa Better
by Babatunde Bejide
Advance-Africa.Com is a wonderful medium for intellectual and academic development for aspiring Africans. Surely , this will have tremendous multiple effects on accelerated growth and development of Africa and her nationals.
For more tangible results to be achieved in the spheres of technological growth and development of the African continent and component regional blocs and also not to lag behind in the 21st-century global phenomenon ; I am of the humble opinion that funding and scholarship opportunities available in the fields of study such as Materials Science / Nanotechnology/ Metallurgy , Chemical Engineering , Minerals/Mining Engineering, Biomedical Engineering , Technology Management , Information & Communication Technology ,Civil/Structural Engineering , Aviation/ Space Technology be equally accorded prominence.
We could also benefit from the educational developments available in the economies of emerging nations such as China ( including Hong Kong ) , India, Singapore , South Korea, Malaysia ,Thailand . Funding opportunities available in these nations can also be explored.I wonder if I will not be too ambitious to also mention Russia , Ukraine , Slovak and Czech Republic
The inspirational messages and sage quotations made in every message are very commendable and appropriate. They are real words of wisdom that catalyse actions and grim determinations in every individual that is previledged to know about this great website.
I am very grateful for the opportunity given .