Office of the Registrar of Political Parties Corporate Communication Officer Jobs in Kenya

Office of the Registrar of Political Parties Corporate Communication Officer Jobs in Kenya

Job Specification

Duties and responsibilities will entail: –

i. Implement ORPP Corporate typology and brand management strategies;

ii. Collate corporate communication materials for ORPP events;

iii. Undertake issuance and distribution of communication material within and outside office in line with communication strategy;

iv. Disseminate internal communication through designated channels;

v. Follow up on customer feedback to inform appropriate interventions for improvement of service delivery;

vi. Participate in the organization of corporate events, trade fairs and other outreach fora;

vii. Participate in planning and in execution of ORPP’s CSR activities;

viii. Prepare daily press reports of print and social media monitoring;

ix. Manage ORPP corporate email;

x. Preparation of print, electronic copy for advertisements;

xi. Document events through video, photography and press cuttings; and

xii. Collect information for the preparation of IEC material and supplements.

Person Specification

For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: –

i. Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Public Communication, Public Relations, Mass Communication, Journalism or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;

ii. Proficiency in Computer Applications; and

iii. Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

How to Apply

For more information and job application details, see; Office of the Registrar of Political Parties Corporate Communication Officer Jobs in Kenya

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