Office of the Controller of Budget Chief Manager Planning, Research and Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya

Office of the Controller of Budget Chief Manager Planning, Research and Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya; Responsible for coordinating effective strategies in planning, resource mobilization, performance management, monitoring and evaluation, quality management systems and knowledge management.

Key Responsibilities/ Duties / Tasks

Duties and responsibilities will entails: -

(i) Coordinating, developing, and implementing policies, strategies, frameworks, work plans, legislation, guidelines, standards, procedures and regulations on Planning, Research Monitoring and Evaluation for the CoB.

(ii) Overseeing the review and making of recommendations on the County Fiscal Strategy Papers and Budget Policy Statement in line with section 8 of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.

Promoting Prudent and Efficient Utilization of Public Funds

(iii) Ensuring the collection and collation of macroeconomic and socio
economic fiscal data and preparing and implementing CoB’s Quality
Management Systems (QMS).

(iv) Establish internal monitoring, control systems, and procedures, update
the department's Risk Management Register, and monitor and implement business continuity plans.

(v) Coordinating the CoB strategic plan and service charter development
and reviewing and promoting Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) at

(vi) Ensuring proper analysis of formats for requisitions for approvals of
withdrawals of funds to devise innovative ways of deterring
malpractices and fraud.

(vii) Coordinating implementation of research on compliance to budgetary
ceilings by Parliament on national and County government expenditure in line with section 5(d) of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.

(viii) Coordinating research and preparation of special reports on particular
issues upon request by the President or Parliament in accordance with Article 254 (2) of the Constitution.

(ix) Ensuring the review and making of recommendations on County Fiscal
Strategy Papers and Budget Policy Statements are in line with section 8
of the Controller of Budget Act, 2016.

(x) Coordinating feasibility studies and service delivery surveys on matters that come to the attention of the CoB.

(xi) Coordinating establishment and maintenance of data information and
documentation centres for information sharing and replicating innovations and patenting of intellectual property rights and updating platforms for knowledge management and learning;

(xv) Monitoring and preparing budget implementation reports per Article 228 of the Constitution.

(xiii) Monitoring, evaluating, and making appropriate recommendations on
projects and programmes and ensuring accounting officers from public entities comply with and implement the recommendations of the CoB reports.

Ensuring review of the draft and approved Budget Policy Statement and
making appropriate recommendations. Coordinating the assessment and reporting on the achievements of the programmes and projects and capacity building on public participation in programmes and projects based on budgeting and budget

(xvi) Steering the development and implementation of business continuity
plans for the department;

(xvii) Ensuring the development and implementation of the department’s
strategic plans, budgets, and performance contracts, as well as
mentoring and coaching staff.

(xviii) Developing, implementing and reviewing resource mobilisation and
marketing policies, strategies and programmes.

(xix) Reviewing and analysing information and preparing reports and documents on activities related to funding partners and fundraising;

(xx) Assist in developing the agenda on Resource Mobilization and

(xxi) Prepare reports for donors and relevant agencies. Promoting Prudent and Efficient Utilization of Public Funds

Promoting Prudent and Efficient Utilization of Public Funds

(xxii) Participating in drafting and revising agreements with donors.

(xxiii) Identifying and mapping potential and emerging funding sources and assessing their current usage and potential for the future.

(xxiv) Coordinating the development of proposals for funding and effective

(xxv) Identifying key strategic partners and maintaining a Database

(xxvi) Developing a budget for the department

(xxvii) Evaluating the Performance of staff in the department.

Academic qualifications

i. Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Statistics, Economics,
Actuarial Science, Policy Management, Business Administration, Monitoring
and Evaluation, Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Information Science
or equivalent from a recognised institution.

ii. Master’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Economics, Statistics,
Actuarial Science, Policy Management, Project Management, Business
Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, Quantity Surveying or equivalent
from a recognised institution.

How to Apply

For more information and job application details, see; Office of the Controller of Budget Chief Manager Planning, Research and Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya

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