National Lottery Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring & Residency Programme
National Lottery Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring & Residency Programme
This programme is one of a number of Support for Individual Artists Programme schemes currently open for application.
You may apply to more than one scheme but you will only be awarded one grant in any funding round. If you choose to apply to more than one scheme:
You must complete a separate application form for each scheme
The projects within each application must be significantly different.
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland recognises and welcomes the diversity within our society.
In working to create the conditions for the widest variety of art and creativity for both artists and audiences through our Support for the Individual Artist Programme, we are seeking to address the barriers to access, progression and representation in the arts encountered by minority ethnic artists with this mentoring and residency scheme.
Our aim is to support individual artists and creative practitioners from minority ethnic backgrounds and migrant backgrounds at every stage of their career.
Through this Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Programme we wish to create opportunities for specialized training, research, cultural exchanges, networking and learning for individual artists, creative practitioners and arts administrators from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds.
Programme Aims
Increase opportunities for young and emerging minority ethnic artists.
The Arts Council particularly welcomes applications from emerging artists - an emerging artist is someone who is in the early stage of their career as a professional artist. They are developing their artist ‘voice’ and are in the process of establishing a reputation and recognition among critics, galleries, producers etc, and will have practised as a professional artist for less than 5 years.
Support arts workforce skill development and career pathways for young and emerging artists from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds.
Inspire excellence through the support of high-quality, ambitious, innovative and imaginative opportunities for artists to collaborate with others.
Increase the capacity and opportunities for artists to take professional and creative risks.
Contribute to a vibrant and diverse workforce across the breadth of the creative and cultural industries.
Specifically, the scheme will fund residencies and mentoring opportunities through which applicants can develop their creative and professional practice.
Applicants are invited to shape a programme of support, tailored to their own needs and through wider collaboration.
Who can apply?
Eligible applicants to the Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring and Residency Scheme are as follows:
Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice (including DJs) from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds, including people in need of international protection.
Creative practitioners and arts administrators from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds.
Emerging artists from minority ethnic and migrant backgrounds: The Arts Council particularly welcomes applications from emerging artists - an emerging artist is someone who is in the early stage of
their career as a professional artist. They are developing their artist ‘voice’ and are in the process of establishing a reputation and recognition among critics, galleries, producers etc, and will have practised as a professional artist for less than 5 years.
Employees of statutory bodies , undergraduates and postgraduates are eligible to apply but they must prove that the funds which they are seeking are for work/costs which are not properly the concern of their employer and/or are not related to their work or academic study. They must submit evidence of this in the form of a letter on headed paper from their Head of Department.
In the case of post-graduate students, the letter must clearly state the title of the student’s PhD thesis and include a declaration by the Head of Department. This declaration must state “The project for which funds are being sought does not form part of any academic work undertaken in relation to the above-titled PhD nor will it be assessed as part of any academic course”.
Applicants undertaking a Masters or a PhD must also include a separate statement which provides information on how the project applied for differs from their Masters or PhD work.
Eligible applicants must also be
Have made a contribution to artistic activities in Northern Ireland for a minimum period of 1 year within the last 5 years.
Live in Northern Ireland
Be at least 18yrs old and not in secondary education.
What you can apply for
Eligible costs for both the Mentoring and Residency awards may include:
Project assistance
Art materials/equipment
”Buying time” to replace other earned income costs lost due to time spent on the intended project/creating new work.* Eg, if you were taking unpaid leave from work to spend time on the proposed project.
Fees for training courses
Artistic fees of Mentors
Artistic or technical fees including those towards production or post-production costs associated with presentation or exhibition of work
Venue hire e.g. rehearsal space
Technical equipment related to the project/proposal** (equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request)
Translation costs
Documentation costs
Childcare costs
Travel grants
All travel, mileage costs of 25.7p per mile, commuter and air travel
Subsistence costs @£25 per day
Accommodation costs
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; National Lottery Minority Ethnic Artists Mentoring & Residency Programme
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