National Lottery Major Individuals Awards

National Lottery Major Individuals Awards

This programme is one of a number of Support for Individual Artists Programme schemes currently open for application.

You may apply to more than one scheme but you will only be awarded one grant in any funding round. If you choose to apply to more than one scheme:

  • You must complete a separate application form for each scheme and

  • The projects within each application must be significantly different.

  • Major Individual Awards are intended to create the circumstances in which established artists with national / international recognition may develop extended or ambitious work. Costs can be for specific projects, specialised research, personal artistic development and materials/ equipment.

  • Four awards of up to £15,000 each are being offered in 2023/24.

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants to the Major Individual Awards scheme are as follows:

  • Artists of all disciplines and in all types of working practice who have not previously received a major award and who have achieved national or international recognition.

  • Please note: You must contact the relevant artform officer and discuss your proposal with them prior to submission of any application to the Major Individuals Awards and by close of play on 10 August 2023 at the latest. Applications submitted to the Major Individual Awards programme with no prior contact with the relevant art form officer will be ineligible for consideration.

  • Employees of statutory bodies , undergraduates and postgraduates are eligible to apply but they must prove that the funds which they are seeking are for work/costs which are not properly the concern of their employer and/or are not related to their work or academic study. They must submit evidence of this in the form of a letter on headed paper from their Head of Department.

  • In the case of post-graduate students, the letter must clearly state the title of the student’s PhD thesis and include a declaration by the Head of Department. This declaration must state “The project for which funds are being sought does not form part of any academic work undertaken in relation to the above-titled PhD nor will it be assessed as part of any academic course”.

  • Applicants undertaking a Masters or a PhD must also include a separate statement which provides information on how the project applied for differs from their Masters or PhD work.

  • Please note: The Arts Council may use its own judgement in determining this matter.

    Eligible Applicants Must Also

  • Have made a contribution to artistic activities in Northern Ireland for a minimum period of 1 year within the last 5 years.

  • Live in Northern Ireland

  • Be at least 18yrs old and
    not in secondary education.

    What you can apply for

    Eligible costs for Major Individual Awards may include:

  • Project assistance

  • Art materials

  • ”Buying time” to replace other earned income costs lost due to time spent on the intended project/creating new work.* Eg, if you were taking unpaid leave from work to focus on writing a novel.

    Residency costs

  • Artistic or technical fees including those towards production or post-production costs associated with presentation or exhibition of work

  • Venue hire e.g. rehearsal space

  • Travel costs, including mileage costs (@25.7p per mile) and air travel

  • Subsistence costs @£25 per day

  • Technical equipment related to the project/proposal** (equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request)

  • IT Equipment **: (equipment requests cannot comprise more than 50% of the value of your request; a maximum contribution of £1,200 will be made towards laptops and pcs, and £500 towards tablet computers.)

    * If you are applying for loss of earnings costs the Arts Council acknowledges an average of up to £125 per day as a set contribution. We will not award a higher rate per day, so you should apply for costs on that basis if you are applying for replacement costs for up to 5 working days. If you are applying to “buy time” for a period longer than 5 working days you should set a weekly/monthly rate which reflects a lower per diem cost.

    You should set out clearly how you have costed your time. It is unlikely that the Arts Council will be able to cover the full value of the replacement costs, but will aim to make a contribution towards it.

    ** If you are including costs for technical or creative equipment as part of your application it’s important you tell us:

  • Why the equipment is necessary for the project and appropriate for your needs

  • Why buying equipment is more appropriate than hiring it, where applicable

  • Your plans for continued use of the asset after the end of the project

  • Your plans for maintenance, storage and insurance, and any additional ongoing costs after the project ends

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; National Lottery Major Individuals Awards

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