Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners
1.0 Instructions to Examiners
The instructions below define the regulations governing marking of national examinations. You are advised to print and read them carefully before accepting to mark as you will be expected to adhere to each of them strictly. Acceptance to mark will be deemed as acceptance to adhere to all these regulations as well as the payments subscribed in the acceptance letter.
1.1 Marking Discipline
1.1.1 Examiners will be issued with copies of Marking Regulations on arrival. This document should be read by each examiner and its contents adhered to in the course of marking. It is the responsibility of each examiner to ensure that the document is returned to the Centre Organizer before the end of the marking exercise. Failure to return the regulations may lead to the offending examiners being surcharged.
1.1.2 Except for Examiners in Charge on their own, all other examiners will work under supervision of Senior Examiners whose professional instructions they are required to follow.
1.1.3 Authority to mark extra scripts will be given by the Chief Examiner when an examiner/team has satisfactorily cleared his/her/their scripts allocation. The Council reserves the right to transfer answer scripts from any examiner/team to another examiner/team should circumstances dictate.
1.1.4 Examiners are NOT allowed to carry away answer scripts, marking schemes or any marking materials from the marking rooms/centres neither allowed to bring in any unauthorized materials. All marking must be done in the specified rooms at the marking centre. Any examiner found contravening this regulation will be dismissed instantly and a report made to his/her employer for disciplinary action.
1.2 Integrity
Integrity is an important requirement for being an examiner as per section 26 of KNEC Act no 29 of 2012.
1.2.1 Examiners are required to complete claim forms accurately and honestly. You are therefore warned that any false claims presented at the marking centre will not be paid. Any examiner who presents false claims to the Council with intent to defraud the Council of funds will be liable to instant dismissal from the marking exercise and prosecution.
1.2.2 Examiners are required to declare on the declaration form the candidates and centres whose answer scripts should not be allocated to them. They should also declare to the Team Leaders when marking is in progress.
1.3 Security
1.3.1 Examiners are discouraged from carrying personal electronic gadgets, like laptops and tablets to the marking centres.
1.3.2 Every person getting into/out of a marking centre shall be subject to security check/frisking at the gate.
1.3.3 From last year, the Council has banned use of mobile phones in the marking, script and e-capture rooms. Examiners will be required to put their mobile phones off or in a silent mode and store in one desk, under the supervision of Team Leaders. They will however, use the phones during tea/lunch breaks outside the rooms.
1.4 Marking hours
1.4.1 The normal marking hours is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Where there is need to work Beyond these hours, the Chief Examiner should liaise with KNEC for extension.
1.5 Travelling to the Marking Centre
1.5.1 All examiners are required to make their own travel arrangements from their official contact addresses to the marking centre.
1.5.2 All examiners are expected to reside in the marking centres, unless with clearance from KNEC. All examiners should report to the marking centres for their subject/paper by 6.00 p.m. on the eve of the marking date shown on the letters of invitation. The Council will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by examiners who report for marking before the official arrival date.
1.5.3 Examiners should carry their letters of invitation and present them to the Centre Organizers at the time of checking in.
1.5.4 In this regard, Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge should not permit any person without the invitation letter to participate in marking without the express authority of the Council Secretary/Chief Executive.
1.6 Institutional Rules and Property
1.6.1 Examiners are required to respect and to be personally responsible for all Council and institutional property issued to them and exercise great care when using institutional crockery and cutlery to avoid loss and/or breakage while at the marking centre.
1.6.2 Examiners must return all the property issued in
their names to the relevant authorities at the marking centres before they leave the centres. Failure to do so may lead to their being surcharged.
1.6.3 All examiners must observe the meal times and hours for visiting sick bay as set out by the administration of the marking centre. 1.6.4 Examiners’ marking rooms and hostels are out of bounds to unauthorized visitors.
1.6.5 Marking centres are out of bounds to members of the mass media and examiners should not discuss marking and other welfare issues with members of the press or other unauthorized persons or in the social media during and after the exercise. Any examiner found contravening this regulation shall be instantly dismissed.
1.7 Payment of Examiners Expenses
1.7.1 The Council will reimburse the following expenses incurred by examiners:
a) coordination fee allowance per day;
b) travel (inclusive of subsistence) from the examiners’ official contact addresses to the marking centres and return at a fixed rate;
1.7.2 Basic fees as indicated in the invitation letter.
1.7.3 Payments to Examiners at the marking centre will be made on production of their original National Identity card. Examiners must ensure that they bring their identity cards to avoid inconveniences. Should the payments be made through M-pesa or bank account modes, Examiners will be required to furnish the Council with correct personal Mobile Numbers and bank account details.
NB: KNEC shall only make payments upon receipt of processed claims from the marking centres. All examiners are requested to cooperate in verifying their personal details on time.
1.7.4 Taxation
All Kenyans are required by law to pay taxes. Kindly note that payment to all contracted professionals shall be taxed in accordance with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) regulations and guidelines.
1.7.5 Enquiries on Payment
Examiners should note that for security reasons, casual visits to the Council offices are not allowed. Enquiries about claims should be made in writing. Visits to Council offices will only be allowed if appointments had been made in advance through the Chief Examiners and Centre Organizers.
1.7.6 Medical Expenses
a) The Council will make arrangements to avail a First Aid Kit at the marking centres for care of minor ailments such as headaches and stomach upsets. In such cases examiners MUST sign against any forms of treatment for purpose of accountability.
b) Examiners are encouraged to take the necessary precautions against malaria whenever they have to travel to marking centres far away from their duty stations.
c) The Council will not meet inpatient, optical, dental, maternity treatment, laboratory tests and surgery medical expenses incurred by any examiner.
d) Examiners who are already ill are advised not to take up the marking contract for the session but instead write indicating their willingness to mark in future.
1.8 Senior Examiners
1.8.1 Senior examiners are requested to carry out thorough and continuous coordination as well as accurate completion of the various documents related to Marking and Awards.
1.8.2 Chief Examiners and Examiners-in-Charge will be informed the dates for coordination meetings under separate cover.
1.8.3 All senior examiners will be availed the various documents related to their work through the Centre Organizers.
1.8.4 The KNEC Senior Officer will issue stationery to the Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge who will be responsible for the distribution of stationery to examiners and ensure that all non-consumable stationery items issued to examiners are returned and handed over to Centre Organizers before the examiners leave the marking centres.
1.8.5 The Chief Examiners and Examiners in Charge will organize checking of marked answer scripts and the transfer of marks on to mark sheets by the Examiners. The Chief Examiner/ Examiner in Charge should be satisfied that all marks printouts and other documents have been properly completed and handed in before examiners leave the marking centre. It is the responsibility of each examiner to obtain such clearance before leaving the marking centre.
1.8.6 The Team leader will keep a record of the number of scripts coordinated and marked. This record will be updated as the marking progresses. He/she must ensure that examiners sign the final document as it will form the basis for payments.
More Marking Instructions for KNEC Examiners - Page
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