KNEC Guidelines Governing Marking of National Examinations
1.8.7 At the closing of marking, the Chief Examiner must ensure that all examiners sign the final record of number of answer scripts marked document. No payment will be honoured unless all the examiners have signed.
1.8.8 Chief Examiners/Examiners in charge will obtain from paying officers and return duplicate copies of all the vouchers of payment of coordination fee, advance, travel and any other payments made to examiners during the marking session. These copies will then be submitted to the Centre Organizer who will in turn submit them to the Council office at industrial Area, Likoni Road at the end of the marking exercise.
1.8.9 Senior Examiners Marking Report
It will be the responsibility of the Chief Examiner/Examiner in Charge to ensure that the Chief Examiner’s Report is written, in detail and accurately. The contract between the KNEC and the Chief Examiner will only be realized after successful marking and submission of the Chief Examiner Report to KNEC. They are also expected to submit a detailed report about the marking centre i.e. cleanliness of marking centre, promptness of payment, food, reception, adequacy of accommodation facilities, security and availability of Centre Organizers and their Assistants.
1.9 Any problems encountered at the marking centre should be communicated to the Chief Examiner or Examiner in Charge who will then communicate to the Centre Organizer. This channel of communication must strictly be adhered to. Under no circumstance may examiners communicate with the press or other parties regarding any aspect of their work, before, during and after the exercise.
2.0 Obligations between the Examiners and KNEC 2.1 Scope of Work The marking service to be provided by the examiner is as follows:
2.1.1 Normal marking of examination answers scripts;
2.1.2 Checking of marked answer scripts to ensure validity, reliability and accuracy of mark allocation;
2.1.3 Verification and adjudication of captured marks. 2.2 Payments The fees and expenses for the marking to be made by the KNEC shall include:
2.2.1 Stipulated travel and subsistence expenses incurred while travelling to and from the marking centre;
2.2.2 Coordination fee per day;
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2.2.3 Stipulated commuter allowance for examiners commuting from their residences to various marking centres using own or public means with express approval by the Council ;
2.2.4 Script and Basic fee.
2.3 Obligations/Responsibilities of an Examiner
2.3.1 The Examiner must not disclose his/her identity as a marker or divulge any information acquired in the course of their work;
2.3.2 The Examiner will be expected to adhere to the marking regulations as set out by the Council;
2.3.3 The Examiner will complete mark printouts and claim forms accurately and honestly;
2.3.4 The Examiner will not be allowed to do partial marking unless due to illness or unforeseeable circumstances that may rise;
2.3.5 The Examiner should declare on the Acceptance Form the centres whose answer scripts should not be allocated to him/her before the marking starts due to conflict of interest;
2.3.6 The Examiner must ensure
that his/her work is checked and validated by another examiner by exchanging marked answer scripts;
2.3.7 The Examiner must not carry away the Council, question paper, marking scheme, and other marking materials either in their original form or photo copies;
2.3.8 The Examiners shall air his/her grievances on welfare issues to the Senior Examiners and not directly to the Centre Organizer;
2.3.9 All Examiners are expected to bring their own personal effects including towels, soap etc.
2.3.10 All Examiners should verify and sign against their details including their own bank account and Mobile numbers. The Council will NOT be held accountable for payments made to incorrect mobile and bank accounts provided by Examiners.
2.3.11 Examiners allowed to use their own vehicles to the marking centre must present the vehicle’s original log book to the Centre Organizers and the current duplicate Insurance Certificate for verification during the actual marking.
2.3.12 It is the responsibility of each commuting examiner using own vehicle to a marking centre to ensure that the vehicle is recorded by the Council staff on daily basis. Commuter examiners using public means should also sign in on daily basis. Failure to do so may result in the claim not being honoured for payment.
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2.3.13 Before leaving the centre, the examiner must ensure that he/she signs against their claims showing the actual number of answer scripts which he/she will have marked on the final document that will be sent to KNEC as it form the basis for payment.
2.4 Duration of the Contract
Unless otherwise agreed this marking contract shall be for this marking period from the date mentioned hereof and shall be renewed thereafter for every marking session from year to year until terminated.
3.0 Letter of invitation
3.1 A letter of invitation and any other communication will be sent to all prospective Examiners online/electronically with details of the marking venue and dates.
3.2 Any changes in marking venue or starting dates will be communicated to the Examiners affected. If you do not receive any counter instructions, you should treat the venue and dates indicated in the invitation as correct.
4.0 Acceptance Confirmation
4.1 Please note that the acceptance of this invitation to mark means acceptance of the terms and conditions set out herein, and are not negotiable. In this connection, any Examiner who engages in activities that disrupt or are likely to disrupt the marking exercise will be disciplined.
4.2 Examiners must confirm availability and acceptance to mark under all the KNEC regulations by clicking the accept offer button (highlighted in green) in their invitation letters as follows:
(i) KCPE- on or before 4th November, 2016; (ii) KCSE-on or before 25th November, 2016; (iii) ECDE – on or before 16th December, 2016.
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