Is doing Thesis out of school possible?
by Tekle
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
Dear sir/madam,
It has been almost five years now since I got my batchelor degree. The problem is that I am not comfortable with the thesis that I did then and I want to do one now, if there is a way to do so, to be more competitive in the scholarships.
My other concern is regarding writing motivation letter. I have no fictitious story to tell to convince the admition committe.
I always wanted to learn because I enjoy learning new staff so much. In addition to that, because it brings better life with it.
But, I know that these are not the things that the admition committe wants to hear -If am not mistaken.
In my teenage years I thought I would be a scientist. But, as one from developing country I grew to learn that I have to first answer the issue of bread.
I have the energy to pursue higher study and I know that I will be a success if I am given the chance, but how am going to win a scholarship. So that it might help you help me better here is my educational info.
1) CGPA: 3.64
2) BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering
3) IELTS: 7.0
That you in advance for your help
A.To know if doing Thesis out of school is possible,see;
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