International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Early Career Awards in Africa

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Early Career Awards in Africa

  • Candidates should be early career scholars in the population field with not more than 7 years of experience after their PhD at the time of nomination. *Extension of the eligibility period (up to 3 years maximum) will be allowed to account for career interruptions such as maternity/paternity leave, child/elderly-care, or illness; these career interruptions should be listed in the (self-)nomination letter.
  • candidates from a region should be a resident of that region at the time of nomination; in case of temporary postings (e.g. as a postdoc) candidates will qualify for the award from the region in which they are permanently/mainly based.
  • candidates should be a member of the IUSSP at the time of nomination.
  • nominations should be supported by at least 5 IUSSP members, 3 of whom should be from more than 1 country in the region of the candidate, and 2 supporters may be from other regions.
  • candidates may also nominate themselves; self-nominations must be supported by at least 5 IUSSP members, 3 of whom should be from more than 1 country in the region of the candidate, and 2 supporters may be from other regions.
  • nominations and self-nominations cannot be supported by members of the IUSSP Council.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Early Career Awards in Africa

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