IMPACT Initiatives Country Coordinator for Nigeria Vacancy

IMPACT Initiatives Country Coordinator for Nigeria Vacancy; The position is recruited for the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Project covering FCDOs Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (HARP) Facility. For this programme, IMPACT has entered into a consortium with CLEAR Global and FACT Foundation. While in Nigeria, staff shall be hosted by CLEAR Global and for his or her mission, the Country Coordinator will fall under the direct responsibility and management of CLEAR Global’s Country Director and his or her delegates for all Administrative, Security, Logistics and Finance issues. S/he will therefore fully abide by CLEAR Global’s Security, HR, Administration, and Logistics rules and regulations, and in coordination with CLEAR Global, ensure that all IMPACT staff abide by them.

The CC responsibilities include the following:

Grant and Project Management

  • For the TPM Project, supply Clear Global with all the documentation that they would require for the narrative and financial reporting to FCDO.

  • While Clear Global leads on grant management for the TPM Project, for prospective alternative IMPACT programming, organize project kick-offs, review/updates, and end of Project meetings. Likewise, monitor output and cash burn rates to meet narrative and financial reporting requirements in a timely manner in close coordination with HQ Grants Management and HQ Finance departments.

    Financial Management

  • Anticipate financial risks and gaps in funding.

  • In collaboration with HQ Finance, control project budgets to avoid under/overspending.

  • Perform forecasting and ensure timely and accurate finance reporting to HQ Finance, including monthly submission to HQ of updated Budget Follow Up tables (BFUs) for all programmes, as well as staff allocation tables.

    Assets and IT Management

  • Oversee the organisation of all data back-ups in Nigeria, including the implementation and maintenance of country server for internal information and documentation and the HQ server for data originating from the field.

  • Ensure and regularly monitor use of server by all team members as per IMPACT guidelines.
    Oversee the management of all assets in Nigeria.

    External Audit follow-up

  • Support HQ Finance with the preparations for external audits.

    Team management and leadership

  • Provide leadership across the Mission, both within the purview of the TPM Project and prospective alternative Projects.

  • Transmit IMPACT’s values and vision across the mission and support managers to do the same.

    Staff Management

  • Ensure that all staff members understand and are able to perform their roles and responsibilities, as well as their reporting and validation duties to HQ.

  • Ensure that all staff members have clear and regularly updated ToRs, Workplans, and Key performance Indicators (KPIs) against which their performance will be appraised.

  • Promote team building, productivity, and staff welfare.

  • Mentor and support the team to build capacities, improve efficiency and performance.

  • Promote the growth and development of staff within the organisation, actively linking with HQ to provide feedback and support retention and internal mobility. Identify capacity building opportunities for growth, proactively provide high-performing staff with opportunities to surge (a short-term deployment to another mission) and develop pathways for junior staff to grow and move into management or specialist positions.

    Manage interpersonal conflicts (internal and external)

  • Ensure communication and linkages with HQ are made immediately in case of the occurrence of an HR-related problem.

  • Ensure new staff receive appropriate induction and training upon arrival.

  • Ensure that in-country staff receive regular training on IMPACT code of conduct and policies.

    Administration and HR Management

  • In coordination with IMPACT HQ (and for national staff with hosting partners) proactively adapt the staffing structure to needs and funding.

  • Ensure timely and accurate HR reporting to IMPACT HQ.

  • Ensure regular performance appraisals of staff.

    Internal Coordination and Communication

  • Ensure regular reporting to IMPACT HQ through the Monthly Coordination Report, as well as direct reporting to HQ grants management, finance, HR and program departments.

  • Ensure that any risk to IMPACT programming, projects or staff is as soon as possible communicated to and understood by IMPACT regional coordinators and relevant
    HQ head of department, including, when relevant, the Executive Director.

    External Engagement

  • Establish, maintain, and where possible, improve active and regular working relationships with coordination platforms (sectors, working groups, INGO Forum (NIF), ISWG, AAWG, etc).

  • Promote a regular and pro-active contribution of IMPACT and its programmes in key aid decision-making forums and documents.

  • Ensure that IMPACT and its programs are well understood by key aid stakeholders and that potential partnerships options have been explored when relevant.

    Dissemination of Products and external communication

  • Lead the dissemination of research/programmes products/outputs, including through in-country presentations, website articles, journal articles, IMPACT social media contents, targeted e-mails, meetings, etc in line with IMPACT Dissemination and External Communication guidelines.

  • Support IMPACT HQ in global-level dissemination related to the country mission.

  • Centralise all media contacts in Nigeria and ensure that all media exchange is subject to prior written validation by the HQ Director of Advocacy

    Accountability to Communities and Beneficiaries

  • The staff member is responsible for ensuring that all relations with the communities we work are conducted in a respectful and consultative manner. Due attention must be paid to ensuring that communities are adequately consulted and informed about IMPACT’s programme objectives, activities, beneficiary selection criteria, and methodologies. This is the responsibility of every IMPACT staff member.

    Data confidentiality and Data Protection

  • The IMPACT CC will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners or collected during his/her assignment with IMPACT.


  • Academic: Excellent academic qualifications, including a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline (International Relations, Political Sciences, Social Research, Economics, Development Studies, or similar)

  • Management experience: Previous experience in a senior management role in a INGO at field level. Proven track record in successful management of international and national teams in humanitarian contexts

  • Familiarity aid system: Familiarity with the aid system, and the research community.

  • Communication/reporting skills: Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting, including proven experience in contributing to high level presentations/briefings.

  • Years of work experience: At least 5 years of relevant working experience or proven progression within IMPACT.

  • Research skills: Excellent research and analytical skills an asset. Experience in assessments. M&E, field research, evaluations an asset.

  • Software skills: Proven knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Familiarity with R, SPSS and/or STATA or other statistical analysis software an asset.

  • Multi-tasking skills: Ability to multitask with tight deadlines, on numerous research cycles in complex environment.

  • Level of independence: A self-starter with a proven ability to work independently.
    Cross-cultural work environment: Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility.

  • Experience in geographical region: Past experience in Sub-Saharan Africa is desirable.

  • Language skills: Fluency in English required.

  • Security environment: Ability to operate in a complex and challenging security environment.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; IMPACT Initiatives Country Coordinator for Nigeria Vacancy

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