Gabo Foundation: Scholarships for Journalistic Coverage of Colombian Amazon

Gabo Foundation: Scholarships for Journalistic Coverage of Colombian Amazon

The Gabo Foundation, in alliance with Oxfam Colombia, invites journalists from Colombia to participate in the Scholarships fund for journalistic coverage of the Colombian Amazon.

The program is focused on Colombia, so it will award four (4) journalistic production scholarships, each worth $8,000,000 (eight million Colombian pesos) to journalistic projects that address leadership processes by women that promote care, protection and sustainability of the Colombian Amazon; as well as on violence and damage to the environment; mining and hydrocarbon exploitation, and disaster risk reduction in this region. Work proposals will be accepted in written, sound, audiovisual or web formats.

The selected projects must aim to investigate and make visible the situations and affectations in the Amazon, some strategies led by women for their defense and the guarantee of their economic, social, environmental, cultural and territorial rights.

Topics to apply

Although journalistic investigation projects with open themes will be received, proposals that fall within the following lines will be positively valued:

  • The work of women in defense of the Amazon.
    Violence and damage to the environment in the Amazon.

  • Mining and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Amazon.

  • Disaster risk reduction in the Amazon.

    Who can participate?

  • Colombian journalists who work or collaborate with any media outlet in the country, in which they must publish the investigation carried out.

  • Journalists with collaborative projects that imply the alliance or sum of efforts of various media, as long as they are based in Colombia.

    Application requirements

    The application period will be open until Friday, August 11, 2023, at 11:59 pm (Colombian time). At this point, the interested party must have filled out the form that they will find on the Gabo Foundation platform, to which they must attach the following:

  • Autobiography of the contestant and/or the team of journalists that are part of the journalistic investigation project. (400 words).

  • A project proposal in this format . It must include a description of the proposal and motivation (400 words), budget and general schedule of the project.

  • A sample of two journalistic works authored by you or your team, which have been published in the last year. Those works that address the issue of the Colombian Amazon will be positively valued.

    Note: We recommend that this document be hosted on Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or some cloud storage platform and that you only add the link to the document on the Gabo Foundation application platform. Verify that the link landing page can be seen by everyone.


  • Public call: from July 11 to August 11, 2023.
    Review of applications: from August 14 to August 19, 2023.

  • Publication of scholarship winners : Wednesday, August 23, 2023.

  • Scholarship mentoring: from August 29 to October 27, 2023.

  • Deadline for job publication: Friday, November 10, 2023.

    Project execution time

    selected proposals will have two months from the date of the announcement of the winners to execute their investigative journalistic project and publish the resulting story. During this time, he will have the advice of a mentor assigned by the Gabo Foundation.

    What do those who are selected receive?

    If you are one of the people selected as a grantee from this fund, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Economic stimulus: resources of $8,000,000 for research and publication of your project.
    Note: the resources cannot be used for the purchase of equipment.

  • Mentoring: access to journalistic mentoring during the two months that the project lasts. A mentor person will be assigned according to the thematic line or format of the project.

    Selection criteria

  • The proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee made up of members of the Gabo Foundation and Oxfam Colombia team.

  • Those proposals that give guarantees of prior reporting and knowledge of the subject in question will be considered with special interest.

  • Social relevance of the topic: it will be taken into account that journalistic research proposals generate spaces for reflection and conversation.

  • Feasibility of the proposal: it will be taken into account that the journalistic investigation proposal can be fulfilled in the foreseen time (2 months) and with the budget assigned for the scholarships.

  • Gender focus of the proposal: proposals that reflect a gender focus in the description and objectives will be valued positively.

  • Territorial vision of the subject: it will be verified how the proposals will include the communities of the region, from their social, economic and cultural processes.

  • Due to Fundación Gabo policies, the selection process and result carried out by the evaluation committee is reserved.

  • The winning journalists or teams will have complete editorial freedom to report what they found.

    Delivery of stimuli

  • 60% of the scholarship will be delivered to a bank account in the name of the winner within thirty (30) days after the publication of the selections, once the participant sends the requested administrative documentation.

  • The remaining 40% will be delivered to a bank account in the name of the winner after submitting completed and/or published work, two months after the first disbursement.

  • Withholdings by law and bank fees will be deducted from the value of the scholarship.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Gabo Foundation: Scholarships for Journalistic Coverage of Colombian Amazon

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