Fully Funded RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship
Fully Funded RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship
The RESULTS Fellowship seeks to inspire and train advocates in the movement to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty.
The application window for the 2024 Fellowship cohort is now open! We will accept applications from now through October 31, 2023. Our application guide contains more details and an FAQ. We hope you will become part of our powerful cohort of activists!
The RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship seeks to inspire and train young leaders in the fight to end poverty. This opportunity is designed for young adults ages 20-35 to broaden their experience, confidence, and knowledge of the operations of Congress while advocating for key anti-poverty issues.
The movement needs voices of all types and backgrounds to make the movement inclusive. Welcome & Intro from Yolanda Gordon RESULTS provides training and support to speak powerfully, engage with the media, advocate directly with members of Congress and their staff, and to mobilize and organize your communities. The fellowship is built on four pillars: Advocacy, Commitment, Community, and Opportunity.
RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people who use their voices to put an end to poverty. As a fellow, you will be exposed to advocacy opportunities. You will build community around a shared goal, you will be exposed to members of Congress and their staff as well as experts in their field, and you will have the opportunity to change the future of millions.
The RESULTS Fellowship is a unique moment to participate in advocacy training with other volunteers across the country and the world. We work together to ensure that every fellow is supported in their state to reach the maximum possible potential of organizing your community and bringing awareness to the things that are important to those in your communities.
Each fellowship class forms a powerful cohort by meeting for trainings and professional development. The fellows learn as a team and all trainings incorporate the RESULTS model to enhance fellow’s ability to become an effective advocate.
We are an inclusive organization, and we commit to opposing all forms of oppression including ableism, ageism, biphobia, classism, colonialism, homophobia, racism, religious discrimination, sexism, transphobia, white saviorism, and xenophobia. We create space for all voices, including those of us who are currently experiencing poverty.
We will address oppressive behavior in our interactions, families, communities, work, and world. Our strength is rooted in our diversity of experiences, not in our assumptions. We agree to all help make the RESULTS movement a respectful, inclusive space.
What can I expect from the Fellowship?The RESULTS Fellowship is a 11-month fellowship program in which participants develop leadership skills as they gain hands-on experience working with RESULTS grassroots groups or as a free agent in their communities. We focus on four topics:
Media engagementDuring media engagement, fellows will be taught how to communicate with editors, how to write opinion editorials, letters to the editor, and how to participate in an interview. Fellows are provided with the tools to make their experience during media engagement flow seamlessly with their other work around our anti-poverty issues. Fellows are trained to utilize existing hooks in their local newspaper to get recognized and published for their knowledge.
Congressional EngagementFellows are emersed in Congressional engagement throughout the entire fellowship. Fellows are connected to groups in their communities to lobby with their Representative and Senators. For fellows who do not have a group in their local area, they are connected to other fellows to discuss lobbying opportunities and to offer each other support. RESULTS staff members support fellows as they navigate Congressional engagement and our campaigns.
Organizing Fellows are trained in organizing to organize individuals in their communities
to advocate for the end of poverty. Giving the fellows exposure to several types of organizing helps to prepare them to organize in their communities from small organizing events to larger organizing events.
They are taught skills to manage the project from beginning to end. Their skills are sharpened to established relationships in the communities and fellows also plan their own organizing event.
AdvocacyAdvocacy is the life’s blood of selfless service. It is the core of what we do as an organization and necessary to end poverty. Fellows are trained to strengthen their skills when engaging with Congressional aides or members of Congress They are taught to engage with organizations in the community working on the same campaigns we champion on a local level and to bring awareness to individuals currently experiencing poverty and helping them advocate for themselves.
A key component of our advocacy is the art of storytelling. Fellows are trained in storytelling by our Experts on Poverty cohort to share their reason for engaging in advocacy with their community, members of Congress, and their staff.
Where have Fellows come from?Fellows have been accepted from around the United States. Each person joins the fellowship with different life experiences and skills. The Fellowship is designed for young adults 20-35. Applicants under the age of 20 are considered on a case-by-case basis.
We want to provide fellows with a solid foundation to ensure that they can participate in events from advocacy to outreach to projects in communities to bring awareness to changes in policy. Fellows are expected to participate in the Spring Summit and the RESULTS International Conference. Fellows are paired with another fellow during their stay if possible, and they are given time to build strong relationships within their cohort.
The RESULTS Fellowship also creates an opportunity for fellows to build a strong network with fellowship alumni from around the country as well as a strong network of RESULTS volunteers. Fellows are a supportive, learning cohort from the beginning to the end, and many of those friendships exist beyond their time in the fellowship.
The program fosters open dialogue, critical thinking, civil discourse, and encourages fellows to learn from the diverse collection of experiences within their co-hort. Once the fellowship ends, the fellows join the network of alums, and they share resources and engage as trainers, mentors, and speakers. The Alumni network is necessary to ensure that fellows stay connected with each other, other cohorts, and with the RESULTS family.
Here are some of the qualities RESULTS Fellows possess:Passion for creating change and fighting to end poverty
Ability to commit 3-6 hours per week.
Commitment to join bimonthly Fellowship Webinars, local group meetings, and the monthly National Webinar
Age 20-35 at the start of the Fellowship
Plans to live in the United States from January to November 2024
A commitment to racial equity and to our anti-oppression values
Excitement about learning in a cohort
Ability to solve problems in a creative way
A commitment to demonstrate leadership skills
Lived experience with poverty and hunger (if it applies)
Experience in community activism, school activism, political campaigns, or other anti-poverty or social justice focused activities preferred but not required.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Fully Funded RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship
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