County Government of Nyandarua Assistant Director Culture Jobs in Kenya

County Government of Nyandarua Assistant Director Culture Jobs in Kenya

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this letter will involve; verifying and endorsing registration forms for cultural practitioners, ensuring that cultural practitioners form associations and committees for effective service delivery, promoting Kiswahili and indigenous languages, disseminating cultural information to the community, initiating and participating in cultural development activities, coordinating community activities to preserve and promote tangible and intangible cultural diversity, educating the public on cultural rights, undertaking capacity building workshop, seminars, symposia, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, competitions and research, meetings and disbursements of cultural grants, and preparing cultural groups to participate during county and national functions.

Documenting viable elements of intangible cultural heritage for inscription and safeguard; planning, coordinating and implementing cultural programmes and preparing periodic reports, ensuring the development of creative cultural industries; recommending persons for award and honours as national heroes and heroines, mobilizing resources to empower cultural practitioners, identifying development partners and strengthening existing linkages with stakeholders for cultural development and posterity, writing cultural proposals for research and funding, establishing and managing the community cultural centre; and participating in cultural co-operation protocol
meetings and organizing local and regional cultural exchange programmes.

Requirement for Appointment

  • At least eight (8) years’ relevant experience

  • Must be a serving officer in Nyandarua County Public Service

  • Bachelors Degree in any of the following fields; Cultural studies, Anthropology, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Archeology, Creative Arts, Theater Arts, Music, Fine Art, Kiswahili and literary Studies, political science, Psychology, indigenous Languages, or its equivalent from a recognized institution

  • A Masters Degree in any of the above state fields of study

  • Demonstrated Merit and Ability as reflected in Work Performance and Results

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; County Government of Nyandarua Assistant Director Culture Jobs in Kenya

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