CollaborAction Scholarships for Journalistic Investigation on inclusive Recycling - Latin America

CollaborAction Scholarships for Journalistic Investigation on inclusive Recycling - Latin America

The Gabo Foundation and Latitud R invite you to participate in the call for ColaborAcción Scholarships for journalistic investigation on inclusive recycling 2023, through which 3 incentives of $1,500 each will be delivered to an equal number of journalists in Latin America.

These scholarships seek to promote research related to the environment, solid waste management with inclusive recycling and circular economy, which can be carried out in any format: written, sound, audiovisual or web.

Suggested topics for inclusion in proposals include:

  • Inclusive recycling, climate change and the environment: research on the work of recyclers as a climate change mitigation action.

  • Inclusive recycling and circular economy: research projects on the impact and importance of recycling in view of the circular economy.

  • Inclusive recycling and technological innovation: projects on the connection between technological development and scientific innovation and recyclers, as well as the promotion of technological innovation in the industry, in order to promote greater use of recovered materials in their production processes.

  • Inclusive recycling and social inclusion: research regarding the development of the use of solid waste with the inclusion of formalized recyclers.

  • Inclusive recycling and sustainable cities: inquiry into the connection between waste management and green sustainability.

    Who can participate?

  • Independent journalists or journalists linked to the media in Latin America, preferably with experience in coverage of the issues that are the subject of the call.

  • Proposals from up to two journalists who form a team (they can be colleagues from different countries) will be accepted, with a view to developing collaborative work.

    What are the requirements to apply?

    Interested applicants must submit the following:

    A proposal for journalistic work, which must include:

  • A description of the proposal of maximum 200 words.

  • An explanation, of maximum 200 words, about why it is important to develop this journalistic investigation and what is the expected impact of it.

  • A general budget that indicates what the resources of the scholarship will be used for.

  • A general schedule, which must be adjusted to the two months contemplated for the development of the journalistic investigation.

  • An autobiography, with a maximum of 500 words, that gives an account of his career in journalism and specifically in addressing the issues that are the subject of the call.

  • A letter of
    support from the media or media in what is expected to be published the journalistic investigation produced from the scholarship.

  • Interested persons have a deadline to apply until Thursday, August 17, 2023, for which they must fill out the registration form through the Fundación Gabo platform.

    Winning projects will be announced on Monday, September 4.

    What does the winning person receive?

    Each of the three winners of this call will have access to the following:

  • A stimulus of $1,500 (less bank commissions) to subsidize the expenses required by the investigation, including protective and biosafety equipment, as well as fees for the person or journalistic team involved. The allocation of resources for the purchase of equipment is not allowed.

  • A personalized mentoring for two months (October and November), which will be in charge of the journalist Javier Flores Murillo. The mentoring will be offered in Spanish, which must be taken into account by the people who apply.

  • » Delivery of the scholarship and additional rules
    60% of the scholarship will be transferred to a bank account in the name of the scholarship winner, within fifteen (15) days after the publication of the winners of the call. This, provided that the applicant sends the requested documentation.

  • The final 40% will be delivered once the journalistic project is published, after sending a final report.

  • The total time for the publication of the project is 3 months from the delivery of the initial percentage.

  • The journalistic works resulting from the scholarship must always have the following section in case of being published on other sites or media other than those convening: This report is the result of the Journalistic Production Scholarship on Inclusive Recycling, carried out with the support of the Gabo Foundation and Latitude R.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; CollaborAction Scholarships for Journalistic Investigation on inclusive Recycling - Latin America

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