Call for Proposals: NORPART

Call for Proposals: NORPART

Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NORPART) announces up to NOK 145 million in grants to project partnerships. In addition, projects can apply for a limited number of full degree master’s scholarships in Norway for students from the institutions in the partner countries.

Who can apply?

The applicant must be an accredited Norwegian higher education institution
The application must include at least one partner that is an accredited higher education institution in one of the NORPART partner countries.

Who can apply?

  • The applicant must be an accredited Norwegian higher education institution

  • The application must include at least one partner that is an accredited higher education institution in one of the NORPART partner countries.

    Register your application
    Application deadline
    20. september 2023 kl. 13.00

    About the call

    The application must include at least one partner that is an accredited higher education institution in one of the NORPART partner countries.

    The purpose of NORPART is to contribute towards enhancing the quality of higher education in Norway and selected partner countries, through academic cooperation and mutual student mobility.

    Desired Impact:

  • Enhanced quality of higher education in Norway and in the partner countries

  • Qualified candidates with knowledge and skills relevant for the local employment market, who can contribute to solving local and global challenges.
    Please read the 2023 Call for Application Document for a complete description of the call.

    How much funding can you apply for?

    You can apply for up to NOK 6 million per project for a period of up to five years.

    Additionally, projects can apply for a limited number of full degree master's scholarships, with a fixed amount of NOK 400 000, - over a period of 2 years per student.

    Terms and conditions

    You can apply for up to NOK 6 million in funding
    per project. In addition, each project can apply for funding of limited number of full degree master’s scholarships in Norway for students from a partner country institution.

    Projects may have a duration of up to five years. Projects must have planned start-up no later than 1 January 2024, and be scheduled to end by 31 December 2028.


    The application must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • The application must be submitted by the deadline applicable to the call.

  • The application must be submitted through the HK-dir application portal Espresso .

  • The application must be written in English.

  • The application must be submitted on behalf of an accredited higher education institution in Norway.

  • The application must include at least one partner that is an accredited higher education institution in a NORPART partner country.

  • The application must include Letters of Commitment from all project partners.

  • The application must include a signed version of HK-dir’s declaration of participation from the person in the applicant organisation with administrative responsibility for the application.

  • Applications that do not meet these requirements may be rejected or considered incomplete.

  • Applications with errors will be given a short additional deadline to correct such errors where possible. The content of attachments/links that are not a requirement will not be included in the assessment of the application.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Call for Proposals: NORPART

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