Call for Proposals: Inclusion of People with Disabilities

Call for Proposals: Inclusion of People with Disabilities

The IDB Group’s Gender and Diversity Knowledge Initiative (GDLab) seeks to advance knowledge development regarding the existing inequalities between men and women, as well as inequalities faced by Indigenous Peoples, people of African descent, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ people through promoting competitive research calls. The sixth edition of this call focuses on the inclusion of people with disabilities.

What are the goals of this call?

GDLab, seeks to fund academic studies that provide solid evidence on effective programs and policies to promote the well-being and social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Proposals that analyze one or more of the 26 IDB borrowing member countries will be considered. The proposals must apply rigorous quantitative methods that establish causal relationships using structural models or experimental or quasi-experimental evaluations.

Proposals that include qualitative analysis will be considered only to the extent that they serve as input for the implementation of quantitative methods. Proposals that generate actionable public policy recommendations for the public sector, private sector, and multilateral organizations are especially welcome.

The studies funded through this call for proposals will be considered for publication as IDB knowledge products in the working documents series. This publication will require an external peer review process prior to publication in the IDB working paper series. The studies that receive funding are expected to be published in academic journals.

Which topics will be prioritized?

This call seeks research proposals that provide quantitative and rigorous evidence in the following thematic areas: education, social protection, labor markets, health, housing, transportation, urban development, and climate change.

Proposals that consider the intersectionality of identities and examine the differentiated impact that a disability may have on women, afro descendants, indigenous peoples, and LGBTQ+ persons are strongly encouraged. It is also important to explore the
specific issues faced by the young and the elderly within these groups.

This call seeks research proposals that provide quantitative and rigorous evidence in the following thematic areas: education, social protection, labor markets, health, housing, transportation, urban development, and climate change.

Proposals that consider the intersectionality of identities and examine the differentiated impact that a disability may have on women, afro descendants, indigenous peoples, and LGBTQ+ persons are strongly encouraged. It is also important to explore the specific issues faced by the young and the elderly within these groups.

Who can submit proposals?

Both independent researchers and research teams comprised of entities from the public sector, private sector, universities, or research centers may apply. Applicants must meet the following requirements: be a citizen of one of the 48 IDB member countries and not have family members who currently work at the Inter-American Development Bank or IDB Invest (jointly, "IDB Group") (to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including husband or wife).

Participation of IDB Group specialists in the research teams is encouraged. It should be noted that while the specialists may collaborate on the project, they will not be eligible to receive compensation for their contribution. The funds will be given exclusively to the research team members who are not part of the IDB Group.

How to Apply

For more information and job application details, see; Call for Proposals: Inclusion of People with Disabilities

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