Call for Proposals: Capacity Building of Women CSOs Sustaining Peace in Kyrgyzstan
Call for Proposals: Capacity Building of Women CSOs Sustaining Peace in Kyrgyzstan
UN Women Country Office in Kyrgyzstan is issuing a call for proposals and inviting CSOs/NGOs to submit a Proposal for implementation of the project activities as the Responsible Party and contribute to the implementation of the following project Outcome: ‘Women civil society organizations in Kyrgyzstan mitigate climate-related security risks in target localities and national level contributing towards sustained peace.’
ObjectivesTask I: WCSOs in the South of Kyrgyzstan have strengthened institutional capacities to plan, engage and act jointly with local and central level authorities and other actors towards sustaining peace.
Contractor is expected to implement the following activities:
Conduct in-depth assessment of WCSOs capacities and experiences to act upon their institutional development plan in understanding, leading and acting upon the peace, climate adaptation and gender equality agenda in line with their mission;
Involve mainstream peacebuilding CSOs to provide coaching to local WCSOs to engage with wider group of women, community members and other actors including on documentation and sharing of their experiences on addressing climate-related security issues in the context of sustaining peace during Yntymak zhumasy 2023 (Peace week);
Build analytical capacities of WCSOs and their partners on assessing climate-related security risks and plausible scenarios to define effective means to address climate-related security risks and sustain peace;
Task II: Women lead community groups in the South of Kyrgyzstan use institutional mechanisms and procedures to interact with government and other actors to jointly address climate-related security risks and peace building agenda in a sustainable manner. Specifically implementing following activities:
Conduct community level consultations by applying innovative tools (‘speed dating’) to ensure genuine participation of women and men in decision making processes in 9 target AOs under guidance of the project Design thinking experts (who will guide on context and process);
Conduct a series of workshops with using ‘design thinking’ approach for the WCSOs and targeted national and local level government partners to co-create models of WCSO and community-led initiatives that test new means to address climate-related security risks, gender responsive, social cohesion and peacebuilding to align with local context and needs on the scenarios in 9 AO;
Task III: Targeted Government and Local Self-governing bodies have increased capacities to plan and partner with WCSOs and community groups on integrating gender, climate security and peace into central and local policies and plans in line with national priorities in the framework of SDGs and UNSCR 1325.
Within the TASK III, the Contractor is expected to undertake following activities in close collaboration with Council on children and women's rights gender equality under the Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic:
Enhance networks with the central level government structures, including Security Council of Kyrgyz Republic to identify best practices in effective implement the NAP 1325 with particular focus on the nexus of peace, gender equality and climate-related security issues;
Provide support to optimization of budgeting process, ensuring linkages between central and local budget planning and implementation, including budget allocations for the gender, climate security, and peace agenda;
Funding Information
The budget range for this proposal should be as per TASKs separately:
For TASK I- Min. 83000 USD-84000 USD Max.
For TASK II- Min. 273000 USD-275000 USD Max. - out of that amount 180000 USD (for grants mechanism only)
For TASK III- Min 29000 USD-30000 USD Max.
Starting date: 4 September 2023
Expected duration: 12 months (4 September 2023 – 4 September 2024)
Key Deliverables
Task I: WCSOs in the South of Kyrgyzstan have strengthened institutional capacities to plan, engage and act
jointly with local and central level authorities and other actors towards sustaining peace.
Key deliverables under the ToR are:
Methodology of assessment
Assessment report
Detailed Work plan of institutional development of WCSOs;
Training module on capacity building of WCSOs on financial management, M&E and elaboration of their standard operating procedures as per the results of the capacity assessment;
Documented materials (recordings, minutes, reports, photo/audio and video materials, database of women from diverse groups;
Report on each conducted capacity building activities for WCSOs and LSGs, including trainings, workshops, consultations;
Task II: Women lead community groups in the South of Kyrgyzstan use institutional mechanisms and procedures to interact with government and other actors to jointly address climate-related security risks and peace building agenda in a sustainable manner.
Key deliverables under the ToR are:
Plan of activities, consultations for development of gender responsive livelihoods, peacebuilding and climate change analysis and policy briefs (in collaboration with IRO) including minimum of 9 consultations, 9 workshops, 9 self-reflection sessions in 9 AOs of Batken province;
Number of models/action plans for women-led community initiatives to test new means to address climate-related security risks around gender, climate, peace and security;
Number of scenarios created based on new generated data on gender, climate, peace and security to define effective means to address climate-related security risks and sustain peace;
Participatory gender, peace and climate change sensitive measures included to Local Socio-economic development plans and validated by 9 target communities;
Task III: Targeted Government and Local Self-governing bodies have increased capacities to plan and partner with WCSOs and community groups on integrating gender, climate security and peace into central and local policies and plans in line with national priorities in the framework of SDGs and UNSCR 1325.
Key deliverables under the ToR are:
Work plan on monitoring of implementation the NAP 1325 with particular focus on the nexus of peace, gender equality and climate-related security issues;
Report on conducted capacity building activities for targeted Government and Local Self-Governing partners;
For execution of the TASKS following technical/functional competencies required.
Organization/Public association registered and operating in Kyrgyz Republic.
At least 5 experience and record of successful work with communities, involving women, especially from vulnerable category, and well established client relations with national partners, government structures and local authorities.
Experience in conducting workshops with engagement of large number of participants, including high level state partners. Developing concept, agenda, reports/minutes from these sessions, including all logistic issues, including visibility and media coverage
Proven records on usage of participatory approaches; innovation tools, institutional development and designing public policies.
Proven records on conduction of designing and facilitating of participatory training workshops in national contexts.
Proven records on implementation of projects/program/initiatives with principles of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, WPS, Climate change;
Financial system and Accountability, Logistics and Procurement Policies in place. Organization should have procedure or at least draft procedure for grant management (related only for TASK II);
Experience of working with United Nations or with other international organizations is an asset.
How to Apply
For more information and job application details, see; Call for Proposals: Capacity Building of Women CSOs Sustaining Peace in Kyrgyzstan
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