Call for Projects: Human - Wildlife Initiative in France

Call for Projects: Human - Wildlife Initiative in France

Natural spaces host numerous economic and leisure activities, which can interact with wildlife. Good cohabitation requires harmonious sharing of territory and resources, so that biodiversity can flourish while allowing the smooth running of human activities present. The problem of coexistence arises in particular in the South - PACA region which, due to its geographical and climatic specificities, presents a great diversity of environments and species.

This richness of fauna in a territory with numerous human activities implies various interactions.

In 2020, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the National Nature Protection Council, the Chamber of Agriculture of the Alpes-Maritimes, the Federation of Hunters of the Alpes-Maritimes and the League for the Protection of Birds Provence Alpes Côte d 'azur want to act and have created the Man – Wildlife Initiative.

This Initiative focuses on several species of wildlife present in rural or mountain areas: wolves, deer, wild boars, chamois, mouflons, ibexes, foxes, mustelids, bats, rodents, avifauna. Its aim is to bring out innovative and concrete proposals in favor of improving relations between wildlife and human activities: agriculture, tourism, hunting, nature sports, forest management.

For example :

  • Adaptation of agricultural practices in cohabitation with wildlife

  • Actions relating to the compatibility of nature sports and wildlife

  • Development of communication tools in favor of agrotourism promoting wildlife

  • Study and monitoring of wildlife populations

  • School and/or general public events, meetings with stakeholders from the rural world

    The selected projects, which can start from the second quarter of 2024, must concern:

  • Field
    actions aimed at preventing or mitigating conflicts between wildlife and human activities;

  • Actions to improve knowledge of species sharing territory with humans

  • Actions to raise awareness among the general public and schools on the issues of cohabitation with wildlife;

  • Actions to promote agricultural production and cultural, sporting or ecotourism activities linked to wildlife.

    Eligibility of projects:

    The steering committee will select projects meeting several criteria:

  • Projects must clearly benefit peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife;

  • The projects must concern the animal species mentioned above;

  • The projects must be located in the South-PACA Region;

  • Projects must have a minimum self-financing of 20%;

  • Projects must not have the consequence of undermining wildlife preservation rules.

    Two levels of financial support are possible:

  • Projects for maximum funding of €10,000 and a maximum budget of €50,000 - project duration 2 years maximum: application file n°1 (DC1)

  • Projects for funding ranging from €50,000 to €70,000 and with a maximum budget of €300,000 - project duration 3 years maximum: application file n°2 (DC2)

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Call for Projects: Human - Wildlife Initiative in France

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