Call for Applications: Performing Arts for Children, Young People and Adults

Call for Applications: Performing Arts for Children, Young People and Adults

Smaller theatres, performing arts groups, independent performaing artists and operators can apply for grants for performing arts purposes, including the projects' international activities in seasons 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Additionally, you may apply for funding for stand-alone international activities.

Smaller theatres, performing arts groups, independent performaing artists and operators including their collaboration with other theatres and operators in the performing arts field.

Find out more about how to apply if your project combines different art forms.

Are You Eligible to Apply?

Support cannot be granted for projects, which are carried out exclusively by the large institutional theatres. By large institutional theatres we mean The Royal Danish Theatre, the Danish regional theatres, the Jutland Opera, and the theatres in the Copenhagen theatre association may not apply.

You cannot receive funding for:

  • Activities initiated before the deadline

  • Activities concerning only the start-up phase, preliminary studies, and preparations for upcoming project

  • Educational purposes for individuals

    Purpose of the Program

    The purpose of the programme is to promote performing arts of a high artistic quality in Denmark and Danish performing arts abroad. This includes:

  • Performing arts activities and projects targeted at children, young people, and adults

  • Promoting the development of new forms of performing arts and other experimental activities within the performing arts, including cross-disciplinary projects

  • Ensuring geographical diversification

  • Facilitating the encounter between Danish performing arts and the international performing arts scene through international activities, including co-productions, international guest performances and tours, and residencie reproductions

    If you are planning on applying for project funding from the European Commission, e.g. from Creative Europe, you can apply for support from this funding programme to cover part of your own contribution to the project budget.

    What Must the Application Contain

    You must submit your application via our grant portal. We do not receive physical material.

    The application form will be available on this page one month prior to
    the application deadline.

    Once you have created your profile on our grant portal, you can enter the portal at any time and check that you have included all the required documents and information before submitting the application.

    We recommend you to use the browsers Chrome or Firefox when you fill in the application form.

    In Your Application, the Committee Expects You to Describe:

  • The primary idea and artistic vision
    realisation – work method/process

  • The group’s structure – participants in the project

  • Presentation and relevance to the audience
    information about target audience: children and young people (age groups), partly children and young people or adults

  • If you are applying for a grant to cover part of your own contribution for an EU-project you must ensure that it is clearly stated in your project description and in your budget.

    In the digital application form, you must:

  • Provide a summary of what you apply for funding for state whether you are applying for funding for the same project from another Danish Arts Foundation committee

  • Mark information about target group: Children and young people, partly children and young people, or adults

  • Mark choice of genre: Street theatre/site specific, choreographic/physical theatre, contemporary circus, object/animation, performance, text-based or cross-disciplinary

  • If you are applying for a grant for research, lab activities, performing arts development and genre development, you must tick off the relevant genre in the application form.

    How to Apply

    For more information and job application details, see; Call for Applications: Performing Arts for Children, Young People and Adults

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