The Centre's researchers cover a wide range of disciplines including anthropology, economics, human geography, history, law, sociology, and the applied sciences of agronomy and nutrition.
The African Studies Centre (ASC) encourages multidisciplinary research projects as well as individual projects within specific disciplines. Many such projects are undertaken in cooperation with African governments or educational institutions.
It has an active Visiting Fellowship Programme. Visiting research fellows are scholars who use their time in Leiden for data analysis and writing, often on a joint project with one or more ASC staff members.
Visiting fellows have access to the library and computer facilities of the Centre and the University of Leiden.
They contribute to the Centre's seminar programme and work on papers and books with a view to publication.
Others use their time to develop practical projects for implementation in their home countries. Visiting fellows stay at the African Studies Centre (ASC) for a maximum of 3 months.
Fellowship Programs Requirements:
Applicants are expected to satisfy the following qualifications and criteria when they submit their applications:
1. They must either have, or be in the final stages of study for, a PhD or some similar qualification in one of the social science disciplines including anthropology of law or in the humanities related to African studies.
2. They must be fluent in English and/or French.
3. They must have published books and/or articles that meet international standards.
4. In accordance with Dutch immigration regulations, applicants must be able to return to their country of origin upon completion of their work or term of study at the African Studies Centre.
Stipend When the application of a research fellow has been approved and if he/she has no other financial sponsorship, the African Studies Centre (ASC) will cover the costs of a return ticket and basic accommodation in Leiden for the duration of the fellow's stay.
On top of that, the visiting fellow will receive a daily allowance to cover living expenses while in the Netherlands.
The Centre arranges personal insurance policies for visiting fellows.
For more information and fellowship application see; Visiting Fellowship Programme
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