UNU-IIGH Postdoctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral Fellowships » University Fellowships » International Fellowships
UNU-IIGH Postdoctoral Fellowship: The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme seeks six postdoctoral candidates from educational institutes around the world who would benefit from a period of stay to twelve months at UNU-IIGH in Kuala Lumpur.
The programme will be closely related to UNU-IIGH’s own research programmes.
Each Fellow is expected to help strengthen the intellectual capacity of UNU-IIGH and enhance the spirit of the academic community.
Under the supervision and general direction of a Programme/Research Fellow, each Postdoctoral Fellow will
work on specific research projects, or initiatives, and may be responsible for activities in one or more issue areas.
Fellowship Application Eligibility:
Applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. (or at least successfully defended his/her Ph.D. thesis) in an area broadly associated with the UNU-IIGH thematic researches.
Closing Date: 11th July.
For more information and application, see: UNU-IIGH Postdoctoral Fellowship
More: Postdoctoral Fellowships » University Fellowships » International Fellowships