The Ramsar Small Grants Fund was established as a mechanism to assist developing countries and those with economies in transition in implementing the Convention and to enable the conservation and wise use of wetland resources.
Since its inception, it has provided funding and co-funding, up to 40,000 Swiss francs (about US$ 32,000) per project, for something like 198 projects in about 87 countries, totaling about 7.5 million francs.
Suitable project proposals are those which contribute to the implementation of the Convention's Strategic Plan for the conservation and wise use of wetlands; provide emergency assistance for Ramsar sites; or provide 'preparatory assistance' to allow non-Contracting Parties to progress toward accession.
Successful proposals receive 80% of the allocated funds upon signature of the contract and the remainder upon submission of an adequate final report, but countries from which adequate final project reports have not been received may be denied further consideration for funding until those outstanding project dossiers have been closed.
The dealine for the Ramsar Small Grants Fund is normally around June each year.
For further information about the Ramsar Convention or the Small Grants Fund, please contact:
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat,
rue Mauverney 28,
CH-1196 Gland,
Tel: +41 22/999 0170.
Fax: +41 22/999 0169.
E-mail: ramsar[at]
Information regarding the eligible countries see; The Ramsar Convention Small Grants Fund Website
More: International Grants » Developing Countries Grants » Small Grants
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