It is offering £1 million for innovative solutions to development problems.
NGOs, academic institutions, the private sector and disabled people’s organisations can apply and work from this funding to help overcome challenges faced by the eye health and social inclusion sectors in developing countries.
The Fund is calling for innovative approaches which illustrate a way to overcome barriers in the promotion of eye health, inclusive education and social inclusion.
Winning initiatives will receive up to £75,000 each to implement the suggested proposal over 18 months.
The learning from these projects will be shared widely within the development sector as well as being used to inform Sightsavers’ own programmes.
Sightsavers is looking for proposals from a wide range of organisations.
It will consider a maximum of two proposals from any single organisation. An organisation may only submit one application per sector theme.
The review process for applications will follow a two-stage process.
The first review will be an internal review of proposals by Sightsavers innovation challenge team.
The projects identified for the shortlist will be submitted to a second independent panel of expert judges, to ensure a level of objectivity and rigour in the choice of projects.
The deadline to submit proposals is 30 June.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For further details, visit; Sightsavers Innovation Fund
For more; NGO Academic Funding » Funding for Developing Countries » International Development Funding
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