In the past, however, the fund has supported projects ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 for a one-year term.
The fund will consider multi-year proposals, as many worthy conservation and research efforts require multiple years to achieve results and positive impact.
As with all proposals receiving fund support, the project must have broad community/constituency support and be based on legitimate scientific and conservation principals.
While the fund recognizes and supports the critical importance of ex-situ efforts such as endangered species breeding programs and conservation awareness/education, its primary focus is to support conservation efforts directly benefiting wildlife in their native ranges (in-situ).
Grant applications are accepted year-round. The board of directors will meet once a year each spring to review all grant applications and award funds.
All applications must be received n an electronic format (i.e., via email or on a CD) by December 1 to be eligible for the Spring next year granting session.
For more information and application see; SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund
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