Research Fellowships in Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources
University Fellowships » Education Fellowships » Research Fellowships
Research Fellowships in Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources: The overall objective of the Research Fellow Partnership Programme for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (RFPP) is to enhance the human resource base for research in the fields of agriculture, forestry and natural resource management in international development.
RFPP is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and managed by the North-South Centre of the ETH Zurich.
Doctoral fellowships are funded for three years, post-doctoral fellowships for two years. The following criteria must be fulfilled to apply for a fellowship:
The research:
deals with agriculture, forestry or natural resourcemanagement for develoment;
is embedded in an international research partnership (see below);
is in accordance with the thematic and geographic priorities of SDC;
is professionally supervised and backstopped bythe involved institutions.
The fellow:
is a doctoral or a post-doctoral candidate;
is a citizen from a developing country or country in transition up to the age of 40;
has proven experience in the selected research area;
is interested in development cooperation and open to different cultures;
the RFPP strives for gender balance, therefore, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
Deadlines: 31st of March and 30th of September every year.
For more information and application, see: Research Fellowships in Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources
More: University Fellowships » Education Fellowships » Research Fellowships