This prize was started in memory of Daniel Carasso who dedicated his life for openness and concern for the well-being of all. The prize is awarded every two years to a project displaying clearly stated objectives, a rigorous approach, robust methodologies and study design, sound analysis, and relevant conclusions.
The Premio Deniel Carasso Prize is an international award that recognizes and supports a researcher, who has achieved outstanding basic or applied research work on the topic “sustainable food and diets for long term human health”.
Eligible scientific domains include basic and applied research in: Nutrition, Food Studies, Food Sciences and Technology, Agriculture, Agronomy, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agro-ecology, Ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental Sciences, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Implementation Research, Nutrition/Food/Agricultural policies (Toxicology is not included).
Prize Amount
The winner of the Premio Daniel Carasso wins €100,000. The Prize may, exceptionally, be awarded to two or more entrants (in which case the Jury will determine what amount will be awarded to each winner).
Selection Criteria
Online entries should comprise
1. An academic curriculum vitae (Word or PDF file, max. 4 pages).
2. A succinct presentation of research work eligible for the Prize (max. 3 pages), and an optional 1-page summary of on-going and future projects, in the same file (Word or PDF file).
3. A list and brief summary (Word or PDF file) of between 5 and 10 research-related publications in any media: print (books, scientific and general interest journals and magazines), the Internet, audio, video, multimedia, etc.
4. A copy of each publication in PDF format (max. 3MB per file). If publications cannot be uploaded for technical reasons, three hard copies of each publication should be sent by post together with the duly completed and signed entry form.
All documents should be submitted in English.
For more information, see: Premio Daniel Carasso Prize
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