NOTE : NO E-mail application!
Two Ph.D. positions in Wireless biomedical sensor networks at Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, NTNU, Norway.
Two Ph.D. scholarships are offered within the area of Wireless biomedical sensor networks at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications ( in the Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
The scholarships are financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) under the VERDIKT program.
The project is on "Strategies for seamless deployment of mobile patient monitoring systems" (SAMPOS) and is a joint effort among Rikshospitalet University Hospital, SINTEF ICT, Norwegian Computing Center, and ABB Research. International collaborators are EPFL Switzerland, KTH Sweden and Johns Hopkins University, USA.
The goal of the project is to develop more basic understanding of, and novel and more efficient (principles) methods for signal processing and communication in wireless biomedical sensor networks.
The project will mainly address basic research, for improved energy-efficiency, quality-of-service (QoS), and robustness.
For more information, please visit Duties: The candidates will be associated with the Signal Processing Group at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at NTNU.
They will work in a strong and active scientific environment, and the project will incorporate collaboration with several foreign partners, including Nordic industry.
International publication of research results will be emphasized.
We seek highly motivated individuals holding a masters degree in electrical engineering, communication technology, or other relevant disciplines.
Requirements: The candidates must be formally qualified for Ph.D. studies at NTNU.
General information about doctoral studies at NTNU can be found here -
It is demanded that the scholarship holders apply for, and are accepted for, the Ph.D. study programme at NTNU as soon as possible after hiring.
Compensation: The position is remunerated according to wage levels 41 to 58 on the Noreegian State salary scale, with gross salary from NOK 310.500 to NOK 418.200 a year, of which 2% is deducted for the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
Application: Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Ilangko Balasingham
phone: +47 93459022) or
Prof. Tor Ramstad
phone: +47 73594314)
for further information.
The application must contain cover letter, curriculum vitae, certified copies of transcripts with grades for bachelor and master degrees, list of publications (if any) and two letters of recommendations.
Applications are to be sent to:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering Gamle Fysikk Sem Sælands vei 5 NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
The application deadline is October 20
The file number for the position, Jnr. IME-056, is to be clearly stated on the application.
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