PhD Scholarships in the Field of Information Systems, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Academic Grants » International Funds for Students » University Scholarships

The Department of Informatics invites applications for three stipends in the field of information systems with special regard to but not limited to the following fields:

Information systems development (ISD), management of information systems, architecture and governance; human-computer interaction within business, managerial and organizational contexts; IT-sourcing including on-shoring and off-shoring; information systems economics; organisational development with IT; information systems in government; innovative applications development and management; information systems management and design in relation to emergent economies (e.g. India and China).

A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years and is only awarded to applicants with a Master’s degree.

The scholarship stipulates that the holder carry out tasks equivalent to 840 work hours.

In addition, all applicants must submit an application that includes a completed compulsory application form, copy of Master’s degree certificate or other certificates of a corresponding level, brief curriculum vitae (CV), and a list of papers and publications.

Application deadline: 31 August

For further information please contact:

Head of Department Mogens Kühn Pedersen,
Tel: +45 3815 2405,

E-mail: mk.inf[ at ]

or The director of the PhD School in Informatics,
Professor Kim Viborg Andersen,
Tel: +45 3815 2437,
E-mail: kva.inf [at]