The programme starts in 1st January.
The scholarship is granted normally two years.
The following "Promotionskollegs" are involved:
Soil resources and landscape ecology, Plant production, plant nutrition and quality assurance, Plant breeding, phytosanitary, and biotechnology, Animal sciences and biotechnology, Agricultural and environmental engineering, Economic and social sciences of the agriculture and food economy, and Tropical agricultural, food and resource sciences.
Applications with curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, a short project description and if possible a letter of recommendation of a professor should be sent by 30 September to the;
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (300),
University of Hohenheim,
70593 Stuttgart,
For more information, visit the following links;
PhD Scholarships in Agricultural Sciences
University of Hohenheim PhD Scholarships in Agricultural Sciences
Full Undergraduate Scholarships 2025 - 2026
Fully Funded Masters Scholarships 2025 - 26
PhD Scholarships for International Students - Fully Funded!
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