PhD Scholarship - development of textural anisotropy

Investigation of the role of the magnetic field in the core in the development of textural anisotropy within the inner core, known to exist from seismological studies.

This project will involve the use of state-of-the art numerical models of magnetic field generation in the Earth.

Supervision of the projects will be jointly by Prof Andrew Jackson and other members of the research group, currently numbering 6 staff.

ETH offers outstanding research facilities, including access to supercomputing facilities.

Candidates with excellent first degrees in the areas of physics, mathematics, computer science and geophysics are encouraged to apply.

The project is of 3 years duration, are available immediately, are open to all nationalities and are supported by either the Swiss National Science Foundation or the ETH.

Applications should be sent by post and include a statement of research interests, a CV and should include the names of two referees; they should be sent to;

Elisabeth Laederach,
Institute of Geophysics,
ETH Hoenggerberg,
CH-8093 Zurich,

Applications will begin to be reviewed from August 31st and will continue until the positions are filled.