2 PhD Researchers on Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen Storage
Research project: In the transition from a fossil fuels-based to a sustainable energy society, hydrogen is expected to play an essential role as an energy carrier, on the short term mostly in mobile applications.
However, no safe, efficient and compact system is known yet for on board storage of hydrogen.
The reversible formation of hydrides from light-weight metals is a promising option, but no known material meets all requirements.
In this project we investigate a new class of materials for hydrogen storage; nanostructured light metal hydrides (grain sizes up to a few nanometres) confined in a porous matrix.
Composition, particle size, physical confinement, and interaction with the support are expected to have a major impact on the physical and chemical properties of these nanosized materials.
We are interested to study these effects both from a fundamental point of view and with regard to the expected shift towards improved characteristics for hydrogen storage.
We is looking for excellent and enthusiastic researchers holding an MSc in Chemistry or Material Science.
Proficiency in English is prerequisite.
Terms of Employment:
We offer a temporary contract of 4 years as PhD-student.
The PhD candidate is required to write a PhD thesis within this 4-year period.
The gross monthly salary is 1956 euro during the first year, and increases to 2502 euro in the fourth year.
Applications for a postdoc (max 3 years) instead of PhD position will be considered if the candidate has sufficient relevant experience in the field of nanostructured and/or hydrogen storage materials.
Further details:
For more specific information please contact:
Dr. P.E. de Jongh,
Phone: +31 30 253 6766, p.e.dejonghatchem.uu.nl
How to apply:
Please send your application, referring to vacancy number 65701, including a letter stating your motivation and suitability for the position, a curriculum vitae, a transcript of academic results and the contact details of two referees to:
Faculteit Bètawetenschappen
Dep. Scheikunde
Afdeling P&O
Postbus 80010
3508 TA Utrecht
The deadline for applications is 10 March
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