The Fellowship is open to all young peace activists who believe that INNER PEACE + OUTER PEACE = SUSTAINABLE WORLD PEACE.
Countless conferences on peace have been held. Endless peace treaties have been signed.
Numerous peace prizes have been awarded. Yet the world seems to be farther from peace than ever before.
The world is crying out for a better way to create peace, and it is the time for a revolution of different kind.
Peace Revolution is creating a new “paradigm shift” intent on refocusing all of our personal priorities from an outward search to an inward quest designed to cultivate a lasting peace and self-sustaining happiness. From there, peace can emanate to others, our family, friends, colleagues, teachers and community at large.
Are you a young peace activist who is looking for something more to help you in your life and work? Would you like to learn how to develop your own inner peace, so that you can more effectively engage in your work for peace?
Fellowship Application Eligibility Criteria:
The fellowship program will partially support the airfare of young adults, accommodation, food, and local transportation for people at all ages eligible.
For more scholarship information and application: Peace Revolution Fellowship Program
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