International PhD Program in Cell Communication in Health and Disease, Medical University of Vienna

At the Medical University of Vienna, CCHD, a PhD Program in biomolecular Medicine supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), has been established.

The program offers cutting-edge education in the fields of Neurobiology, Vascular Biology, Immunology, and Inflammation Research and integrates basic, applied, and clinical sciences, as well as a huge spectrum of experimental techniques.

Admitted PhD students will receive funding for at least three years including support to visit international conferences and specialized workshops.

Applicants must hold a final degree in the diploma studies of Medicine, Dentistry, or in any scientific/technical subject-related diploma studies (such as Cell or Molecular Biology] by the commencing term of the program.

Further information on research topics and courses, as well as application forms are available at:

Applications must be submitted by e-mail to:

Application deadline: April 30,