Eight scholarships are available for undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral or post-doctoral studies under this scheme.
Undergraduate studies may be conducted in courses for which adequate facilities are not available in the applicants country.
Short duration courses are also available under this scheme for students desiring to collect relevant material for conducting their research back home.
Terms and conditions: The above scholarships, inter alia, include monthly living allowance, contingency grant, accommodation charges, tuition fees, medical benefits, study tour expenses and thesis and dissertation expenses as available.
Medical and dentistry courses are not covered under the schemes. International airfare is provided only for scholarships under Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme.
Interested Tanzanian nationals fluent in written and spoken English are invited to send their applications on plain paper giving relevant particulars including full physical residential address, email address and contact telephone number(s) as well as details of their educational qualifications, courses sought and universities/institutions desired/along with alternatives, and a short resume to
The High Commission of India,
82, Kinondoni Road,
P.O. Box 2684,
(contact person: Ms. Alka Sarkar,
Tel. Nos. 2669040-41).
Applicants should include their passport details in the application.
The following website has names of all recognized India universities with details of courses offered by them (http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/ugc recog college.html).
Applications must reach the High Commission by 15th January.
Applicants are advised to contact the High Commission on the above mentioned telephones between 7-9 February to enquire about their applications and for any further procedural requirements.
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